

Liberia released its last Ebola patient, a 58-year old teacher, from a treatment center on Thursday, beginning its countdown to being declared Ebola free.

"I am one of the happiest human beings today on earth because it was not easy going through this situation and coming out alive," Beatrice Yardolo said after her release. As she walked out of the clinic, wearing a bright yellow shirt, hospital cap and a big smile, Yardolo kept thanking God and the health workers at the center.

Yardolo said she had been taken to the Chinese-run Ebola treatment center on Feb. 18. A mother of five, she teaches English at a church-run school.

Yardolo's release brings Liberia hope after about a year of battling the deadly Ebola virus, which killed more than 4,100 people in this West African country.

There are no other confirmed cases of Ebola in the country, and as such Liberia can begin to count up to 42 days to be declared Ebola free in keeping with World Health Organization standards, Nyenswah, Assistant Health Minister of the country, said Wednesday. He asked all Liberians to commit themselves to achieving "zero Ebola infections" by strictly abiding by the anti-Ebola regulations.


1.What does the last Ebola patient do in Liberia?

A She is a nurse.

B She is a doctor.

C She is a teacher.

D She is a soldier.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第1段Liberia released its last Ebola patient, a 58-year old teacher,…及第3段内容可知,故选C。

2.Who did Beatrice Yardolo thank when she was released from the clinic?

A God.

B Health workers.

C UN workers.

D God and health workers.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第2段最后1句Yardolo kept thanking God and the health workers at the center.可知,故选D。

3.How many people were killed since Ebola spread in Liberia?

A More than 5,000.

B More than 4,100.

C About 5,000.

D About ten thousand.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第4段which killed more than 4,100 people in this West African country.可知,故选B。

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A Yardolo was cured in a Chinese-run Ebola treatment center.

B It has been 42 days of Ebola free in Liberia.

C Yardolo teaches English at a church-run school.

D People who get Ebola can not be cured.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。根据文章Beatrice Yardolo感染“埃博拉”病愈出院可知“埃博拉”是可以被治愈的,所以D选项表达错误,故选D。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Thousands of people die from Ebola in Liberia.

B The last patient of Ebola.

C Chinese-run Ebola treatment center in Liberia.

D Milestone in Ebola battle in Liberia.
