Henry is a green monster. He is not ugly.  

Soon it is Henry’s birthday, but he can’t remember how old he is. Lulu and George decide to buy him a present, but they don’t know what to buy. They decide to buy him a camera, but Henry has one. They decide to buy him a new shorts, but he has some new shorts.

“I know!” says Lulu. “Let’s go shopping in London. We can visit Henry’s cousin Bob and ask him what to buy.” So they get on the bus to London.

First Bob takes them to a computer shop. Bob buys a very special monster computer game for Henry! Next they go to a clothes shop. George buys him a T-shirt. Finally they go to a cake shop. Lulu buys a big cake for Henry.  

The next day Lulu, George and Bob go back. They are so excited about Henry’s birthday party. Henry feels happy that he has so many nice friends.

1.1. Who is Bob?

A Henry’s friend.

B Henry’s cousin.

C Lulu’s cousin.

D George’s cousin.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段“We can visit Henry’s cousin Bob and ask him what to buy.”可知Bob是Henry的堂兄,故选B。

2.What does the word “present” mean?

A 礼物

B 药物

C 雨伞

D 机器人


3.What does George give to Henry?

A A computer game.

B A T-shirt.

C A cake.

D A camera.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第五段第二句“George buys him a T-shirt.”可知George给Henry买了一件T恤衫,故选B。

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A Henry knows his age.

B Henry lives in London.

C Lulu and George go to London by car.

D Henry is not an ugly monster.


5.Which of the following is the right order (正确的顺序)? a. Lulu buys a cake for Henry in a cake shop. b. Bob takes Lulu and Henry to a computer shop and buys a computer game. c. Bob, Lulu and George go back to give Henry some birthday presents. d. George buys a T-shirt in a clothes shop for Henry.

A b, d, a, c

B c, b, d, a

C b, a, d, c

D d, a, c, b

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第四段的时间提示词first, next, finally可得知正确顺序是A。