

Australians are among the world's earliest risers, with nearly half of all Aussies getting out of bed before 7am, according to a new study. The study, carried out to celebrate World Sleep Day, found that 45 per cent of Australians surveyed got their day started before 7am, which was earlier than most other participants in the study. It also found Australians on average go to bed earlier than people in other countries.

However, despite the early starts, the majority of Australians have their sleep interrupted by financial or work worries. Among a list of 13 factors, 30 per cent of Australian respondents said financial or economic issues kept them up at night, with a further 23 per cent saying work caused the most sleepless nights. Only 18 per cent said technology, such as smartphones or tablets, was the biggest reason they couldn't get to sleep. 88 per cent of Australians said sleep has the biggest influence on their happiness, beating out other factors such as their job, social life, or relationship.

Sleepers from the United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Japan, China and South Korea also took part. The study also found 17 per cent of Americans relied on prescription drugs to help them fall asleep, the Japanese hit the hay the latest, the French had the most spacious bedrooms, South Koreans were the most stressed and 22 per cent of British participants were interrupted by a partner's sleep habits.

The research, which was sponsored by Philips for their #BeWellSleepWell campaign, studied more than 8000 people across 10 countries. 


1.Why did people carry out the study of getting up?

A To celebrate the World Sleep Day.

B To hold BeWellSleepWell campaign.

C To find how long Australians sleep.

D To get Aussies to have enough sleep.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第1段第2句的The study, carried out to celebrate World Sleep Day可以得知这项研究是为了庆祝世界睡眠日。

2.What made greatest influence to Australians?

A Their sleep.

B Their job.

C Their social life.

D Their relationship.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据第2段第4句的88 per cent of Australians said sleep has the biggest influence on their happiness可以得知睡觉是影响澳大利亚人幸福感的最大因素。

3.Which country has most people relying on drugs to sleep?

A United Kingdom.

B Brazil.

C The Netherlands.

D The United States

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。 根据第3段第2句的The study also found 17 per cent of Americans relied on prescription drugs可以得知美国人更加依赖药物入睡。

4.The underlined phrase “hit the hay” may mean _____.

A take part

B rely on

C fall asleep

D stay up

解析:选C。C。词意推测题。从第3段第2句的help them fall asleep可知此处是讲述睡觉的事情,因此该句是说日本人“睡得最晚”,所以该词的意思为fall asleep。

5.What’s problem the British faced with?

A Sleeping latest.

B The others’ sleeping habits.

C The stress.

D The way of making money.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第3段最后1句的22 per cent of British participants were interrupted by a partner's sleep habits可知英国人面对的最大问题是其他人的睡眠习惯。