For as much as I love nature, it’s remarkable that I grew up in a family that didn’t spend a lot of time there.The Ludlows weren’t campers, hikers, or beach goers.

That’s not to say we didn’t go outdoors. We just didn’t stay there long. My dad’s favorite way to relax was to sit on the patio(露台) with a glass of iced tea. He’d preside over his freshly mowed lawn, enjoy the birds, and watch for the fox.But when the sun went down, he went inside.

Lots of kids grow up gazing at the stars,knowing the constellations. Me? I never noticed the stars. In my early childhood, the darkening shadow of evening was the signal that it was time to hightail it home from the park on my bike.

Then I met the sky. I saw it the summer before seventh grade when we took a family trip to Wyoming. In my mental photo album, I feel the mist of Old Faithful, I smell the store where my dad bought a cowboy hat, and I shiver in my sleeping bag on the overnight rafting trip downthe Snake River.

  One night, Dad had arranged for us to sleep in a tepee. When the flames died down after our camp fire dinner, he kept my little sister, Sara, Mom, and me outside, wrapped us in blankets, and told us to look up, wait, and watch.

Plink, plink, plink. As my eyes adjusted, the stars appeared. Plunk, plunk, plunk. The black filled with white. Plinkplinkplinkplinkplink.Dad revealed the universe.

Decades later, I crave walks in the woods, I love to sit by a lake for hours, and a sunset mesmerizes (迷住) me. And everywhere I go, I look up and search for the heaven I saw that night. I have yet to see that sky again, so utterly a glow. I don’t know if that’s because my kid memory blew it out of proportion or because our lit-up world makes seeing the true sky all but impossible. I just know I haven’t stopped looking.

1.What is inferred from the first paragraph?

A The Ludlows like travelling and camping.

B The Ludlows seldom go out into nature.

C The author has a love for nature because of his family.

D It’s noticeable for a nature lover to be born into the Ludlows.

解析:选D。推理判断题。第一段中信息“For as much as I love nature, it’s remarkable that I grew up in a family that didn’t spend a lot of time there”可推知,一位很喜欢自然的人出生在不常生活在自然里的家庭引人注目。

2.How does the author’s father get relaxed?

A Mowing the grass on the lawn.

B Walking on the freshly mowed lawn.

C Drinking cold tea while sitting on the patio.

D Enjoying the birds watching for the fox outdoors.

解析:选C。细节理解题。第二段中信息“My dad’s favorite way to relax was to sit on the patio(露台) with a glass of iced tea.”可知作者的父亲常坐在露台喝茶放松。

3. It’s can be learned from the text that ______.

A that Wyoming night sky impressed itself on the author

B the author has no chance to walk in the wood decades later

C few kids grow up gazing at the stars and knowing the universe

D the author has to give up his search of the sky he met in Wyoming


4.What’s the author’s main purpose of writing the text?

A To look back on her childhood.

B To express how much she is attached to her father.

C To declare how much she loves nature in Old Faithful.

D To recall an inspiring summer night spent gazing at the stars.

解析:选D。主旨意图题。文章作者主要是回首在Old Faithful的一个夜晚与父亲一起看星星的事。