

Next time you sit down to watch a sad film, leave the snacks in the cupboard. Research shows that we eat up to 55 per cent more when watching a weepy movie than a happy one. It is thought that we eat to make us feel better. 

With popcorn and ice cream among the favorite foods of film-goers, the phenomenon suggests bad news for dieters. 

US researchers offered a group of office workers a range of snacks while they watched the weepy Love Story and Sweet Home Alabama, a cheerful, funny film. Researcher said, “After the movies were over and the tears were wiped away, those who had watched Love Story had eaten 36 per cent more popcorn.”

A second experiment involved collecting popcorn boxes from the floors and bins of cinemas and working out which films led  people to consume that much. Those who watched the George Clooney tear-jerker Solaris ate their way through 55 per cent more popcorn than those who chuckled(咯咯地笑) their way through My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

And it is not just weepy movies that are bad by the waistline. In a previous study, researchers showed action films also increase appetite. Those who watched Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson thriller The Island ate more than people sitting in front of a current affairs chat show.

Researchers explained, “With action movies, people seem to eat to the pace of the movie. But movies can also generate emotional eating and people may eat to compensate for sadness.”

Medical researchers point out that there is no need for slimmers to limit themselves to a diet of slow-moving, non-emotional documentaries. Instead, they recommend that those watching their weight put snacks out of reach. “Keep snacks out of arm’s reach.” they said, “Ideally leave them in the kitchen and only bring to the couch what you intend to eat. Or you might swap popcorn and sweets for cut up pieces of fruit and vegetables. It’s easier to become slim by design than by willpower.”


1.What does “bad news” refer to in paragraph 2?

A They will have no snacks to eat while watching the movie.

B People are more likely to get fat if they watch more sad movies.

C More rubbish is produced in cinemas with sad movies on show.

D People spend more money on snacks when watching funny films.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章主题,结合第5段bad for waistline及increase appetite,这里所谓的bad news指的是看悲情电影容易多吃爆米花之类的小食品,导致发胖。

2.What shows are more likely to make the audience eat more popcorn when they pass the time?

A Chat shows.

B Thrillers.

C Documentaries.

D Comedies.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第5段researchers showed action films also increase appetite可知,看动作片也会使人们多吃东西。下文的实验数据说明了看惊悚片的人比脱口秀的人多吃了爆米花,故选B。

3.What is the experts’ suggestion to reduce eating during the movie?

A Change popcorn into cut up pieces of fruits and vegetables.

B Watch documentaries instead of sad movies if you want to lose weight.

C Try not to eat anything if you are watching a sad movie.

D Do not allow yourself to eat popcorn though it is placed in front of you.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章最后1段they recommend that those watching their weight put snacks out of reach可知,研究者建议将零食换做水果或蔬菜的碎块,就不会担心发胖了。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Watching movies is a good way to lose weight.

B Cinemas make a lot of money with sad movies.

C It’s better to watch documentaries than thrillers.

D It’s better to put snacks away than use willpower.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章最后1段It’s easier to become slim by design than by willpower可以判断,与其用意志力约束自己,倒不如将小食品放到拿不到的地方,这样更有利于看了电影还保持了体形。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Movies That Generate Emotional Eating.

B Experiments on Popcorn Consumption with Movie-goers.

C People Eat More Snacks when Watching Sad Movies.

D Keeping Snacks out of Reach.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文的主要内容是对人们观看电影的行为研究,即悲情电影容易让人吃更多的东西,故选C。