

England’s population is up 565,000 in the past three years because of a fresh inflow of migrants, experts said today. 

The migrant population in England is estimated to have increased by more than half a million in three years. Around two thirds of the 565,000 migrants thought to have come to the country between 2011 and 2014 were born in other EU countries. The majority moved to London and the south-east,  but the north-east and Yorkshire and Humber saw the biggest percentage increases, figures show.

It was said that every council area of England has seen an increased migrant population. The greatest increase in the number of foreign-born residents has been in the capital. Almost 200,000 more migrants were estimated to live in London last year, compared to 2011.

The South East saw the second-highest rise of 79,000, while the smallest increase was in the North East where an extra 26,000 migrants are thought to have arrived since 2011.

Madeleine Sumption, Director of the Migration Observatory(移民观察站), said the study was done to provide more insight ahead of the general election. “These data show how different local experiences of migration have been across the UK,” she said. “There are large variations in the size of migrant populations, as well as the share that come from EU countries. We have undertaken this analysis to provide a resource for anyone looking to understand local demographics(人口统计学) of migration in the eve of the general election.”

The news piles more pressure on David Cameron, whose promise to control immigration has been broken. Last week it emerged annual net migration – the measure of how many people have come into Britain minus those who have left – has reached nearly 300,000 - a record. When he took power in 2010, Mr Cameron pledged to bring this politically sensitive(敏感的) figure below 100,000.  

A total of 624,000 people migrated to Britain in the 12 months up to last September while 327,000 left. The inflow is up 94,000 on the year before.


1.What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A Population in England has increased by 565,000 in the past three years.

B Most of the migrant population has come from other EU countries.

C More than half a million people have migrated into England in the past three years.

D The majority of migrants mainly live in London and nearby cities.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。综合文章第2段前半部分的内容可知,本文主要介绍了英国近三年来移民人口增幅超过50万人的情况。

2.Where did the least migrants move to in 2011?

A London.

B The North East.

C The South East.

D Yorkshire and Humber

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第4段while the smallest increase was in the North East where an extra 26,000 migrants are thought to have arrived since 2011可知,2011年,移民人口增幅最小的地方是东北部,增加了26,000人。

3.What is the purpose of the migration study?

A Understanding the variations in the size of migrant populations.

B Looking into the shares of migrants that come from EU countries.

C Analyzing local demographics of migration.

D Providing more insight ahead of the general election.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第5段Madeleine Sumption…said the study was done to provide more insight ahead of the general election可知,对移民人口研究的目的是在大选开始前为大选提供更多有益的见解。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A The annual net migration has set a record.

B Mr. Cameron was successful in controlling immigration.

C The government has met failure in controlling immigration.

D Britain is attractive to migrants from EU countries.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章第6段the measure of how many people have come into Britain minus those who have left – has reached nearly 300,000,对比卡梅伦2010年上台时的承诺(将移民人口控制在年净增100,000以内)可以判断,卡梅伦政府的移民控制政策失败了。

5.What does the underlined word most probably mean in the passage?

A Promise.

B Attempt.

C Determine.

D Agree.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据语境中的take power及前文的promise可以判断,pledge意为“承诺,保证”。