

Researchers have found something surprising in Boston baby bottles.

According to a new study by Boston Medical Center, about 15 percent of 2-year-olds drink as much as four ounces of coffee a day.

At the age of one year, between two and three percent of the infants studied were drinking coffee. At two years, that number grew to 15 percent -- consuming on average a little more than an ounce of coffee a day.

There are no official guidelines for children's coffee consumption, but there are some alarming potential health effects. The hospital said previous studies have shown that coffee and caffeine have been associated with some diseases in children and adults.

Another study found that 2-year-olds who drank coffee or tea had triple the risk of being overweight in kindergarten, according to the hospital.

The study looked at 315 pairs of mothers and infants, and researchers said they were "surprised" to find that many mothers reported giving their babies coffee.

The study did not address how common coffee drinking may be in children that young nationwide, but another study published in 2014 found nearly 63 percent of American children ages 2 to 5 consume at least some caffeine, mostly from drinking sodas.


1.How many infants of two-year-olds drink four ounces of coffee a day in Bonston?

A About 10 percent.

B About 15 percent.

C About 2 percent.

D About 3 percent

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第2段…about 15 percent of 2-year-olds drink as much as four ounces of coffee a day.可知,故选B。

2.The one who drank coffee at two years old can_________the risk of being overweight.

A double.

B triple.

C reduce.

D increase.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第5段…2-year-olds who drank coffee or tea had triple the risk of being overweight in kindergarten,可知,故选B。

3.American children ages 2 to 5 eat some caffeine by_______.

A drinking beer

B eating hamburgers

C drinking sodas

D eating chicken

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后1段…children ages 2 to 5 consume at least some caffeine, mostly from drinking sodas.可知,故选C。

4.Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?

A There are official guidelines for children's coffee consumption in America.

B Coffee and caffeine have been associated with some diseases in children but not adults.

C Children become overweight because of drinking too much coffee.

D Drinking coffee too much could cause health problems in children and adults.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。官方并未给出关于儿童的咖啡消耗指南,故A项错;咖啡对成人也有影响,故B项错;肥胖并不都是咖啡引起的,故C项错;喝过多的咖啡都可能导致成人小孩的健康问题,正确,故选D。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Young children in Boston drinking too much coffee.

B Too much coffee causes diseases in children and adults.

C Stop giving coffee to the children.

D Coffee is becoming popular in children in Boston.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。A项“波士顿幼童过早过多接触咖啡”符合文章中心主旨;B项“过多咖啡导致小孩和成人的健康问题”只是文章内容的一部分;C项“停止给孩童咖啡”与文章内容不契合;D项“咖啡深受波士顿孩子喜爱”与文章主旨背离,故选A。