

Archaeologists searching for a lost city in the jungles of Honduras have discovered the urban remains of what they believe is a vanished ancient civilization. A writer and photographer for a magazine accompanied a team of scientists to Honduras' Mosquitia region reporting a legendary "White City" or "City of the Monkey God."

The expedition was launched after aerial light detection scanning -- known as LIDAR -- uncovered what appeared to be man-made structures below the rainforest, National Geographic said. Trying to confirm the discovery, a team of U.S. and Honduran archaeologists, a LIDAR engineer, an ethnobotanist, anthropologists and documentary filmmakers entered the remote region. They were protected by Honduran Special Forces.

Writer Douglas Preston said the team emerged February 25, after documenting the ruins of a "vanished culture." "In contrast to the nearby Maya, this vanished culture has been scarcely studied and it remains virtually unknown. Archaeologists don't even have a name for it," Douglas wrote. Archaeologists no longer believed in the existence of a single "White City," he said, instead believing there had been an entire civilization with many cities. The expedition found earth works, including an earthen pyramid as well as a collection of stone sculptures. Archaeologist Oscar Neil Cruz from the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History estimated they dated from A.D 1000 to 1400. 

The researchers were greeted by wildlife which appeared never before to have seen humans, wandering unafraid through their camp. This is clearly the most undisturbed rain forest in Central America. The team left their finds unexcavated and are keeping the exact location of the site secret in an attempt to prevent looting.

Bu Douglas warned that the area was under threat, with illegal logging for cattle farming within a dozen miles. IHAH director Virgilio Paredes Trapero told National Geographic that the forest and valley could disappear within eight years unless action was taken. "The Honduran government is committed to protecting this area, but doesn't have the money. We urgently need international support."

1.Why is the urban called "White City" or "City of the Monkey God”?

A Because it lies in the jungles of Honduras

B Because almost no people know about it.

C Because it is just a legendary story in fact.

D Because there are many monkeys there.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据文章第3段第2句this vanished culture has been scarcely studied and it remains virtually unknown可以得知,因为该文明几乎不为外人所知,所以几乎没有名字。

2.During the expedition, the archaeologists_______.

A carried aerial light detection scanner

B found some very beautiful stone works

C entered the remote region in the desert

D were kept safe by some Honduran soldiers

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据文章第2段最后1句的They were protected by Honduran Special forces可知他们是被特种部队保护安全的。

3.The underlined word “they” in the third paragraph may refer to _____.

A The ruins

B The archaeologists

C The sculptures

D The filmmakers.

解析:选C。C。根据第3段第5句的including an earthen pyramid as well as a collection of stone sculptures可知这里的they就是指的是前面提到的石头雕刻。

4.The team left their finds unexcavated so that _____.

A wildlife could wander unafraid through their camp

B they could keep the place unknown to the others

C the logging and cattle farming could be prevented

D the most undisturbed rain forest could be protected

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第4段第3句的The team left their finds unexcavated and are keeping the exact location of the site secret可以推知,他们没开发是为了不让其他人发现这个地方。

5.What will Honduran government do to protect this area?

A They should try get more money.

B They should support international communication.

C They should sell more woods.

D They should find more and more forests and valleys

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章最后1段第3句的but doesn't have the money可以得知他们需要更多的钱来保护这个文明遗迹。