

When Fraser Cunningham stepped outside of his Cincinnati home on Friday morning, it was still dark. It was very cold, too. His Garmin told him it was -10 degrees. And, just like he's been doing every single morning at 5:30 for more than 18 months, the 56-year-old engineer rode to work. 

Cunningham hasn’t missed a day commuting by bicycle since July 22, 2013. Hoping to beat out his personal best continuous streak of one year, eight-and-a-half months, he's been counting every day. In fact, he's been counting every mile. But that's what you do anyway at a certain point in the ride, when you can no longer feel your toes. Ten miles to go. Nine miles to go. Halfway there.

His route, which was on side streets and between parking lots to avoid traffic, is 16.5 miles each way. Last year, Cunningham commuted 5,049 miles. This year, it should end up being more since his offices moved to West Chester, a bit further away.

"I think I like winter better than summer in Cincinnati. I can always stay warm in the cold by putting on more layers and pedaling harder." On snowy days, Cunningham rides his fatbike — a heavy bicycle with tires so wide that they look like they belong to a motorbike. In summer, his ride takes about an hour. But in winter, that can double to two.

Choosing to bike to work seemed to be about choosing how to grow old. He's been at it now for 10 years. But at this point, it's not a choice at all. "It's a lifestyle." Cunningham says he will bike to work until the day comes when he works no more. And when he retires, he figures that he'll just bike somewhere else instead.


1.When does Fraser Cunningham get to West Chester in winter?

A At 5:30.

B At 6:30.

C At 7:30.

D At 10:30.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第1段第4句的And, just like he's been doing every single morning at 5:30可知他离家的时间是早上五点半;结合第四段最后一句的But in the winter, that can double to two可知冬天到达目的地要花两个小时,因此冬天他到达的时间为七点半。故选C。

2.What did Fraser Cunningham do when riding the bike?

A He kept counting.

B He kept shouting.

C He kept singing.

D He kept parking.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。从文章第2段最后3句的Ten miles to go. Nine miles to go. Halfway there可知他在骑车的时候不断数自己骑行的里程数。故选A。

3.How many days did Fraser Cunningham work last year?

A 126 days.

B 153 days.

C 172 days.

D 213 days.

解析:选B。B。数字计算题。从文章第3段第2句的Last year, Cunningham commuted 5,049 miles可以得知他去年上班骑行的距离为5,049英里;而从第三段第一句的...is 16.5 miles each way可以得知他每天来回骑行的距离是33英里,据此可算出他去年的上班时间是153天。故选B。

4.Why did Fraser Cunningham prefer winter to summer?

A He can put on more layers.

B He can ride his fatbike easily.

C He can ride his motorbike fast.

D He can pedal his bike quickly.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据第4段第2句的I can always stay warm in the cold by putting on more layers可知他在冬天可以多穿衣物,这是他更喜欢冬天的原因。故选A。

5.What did Cunningham think of his riding bikes?

A It is just his own way of life.

B He will give up it after he retires.

C He is too old to drive his own car.

D He chooses how long he will live.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第5段第3、4句的But at this point, it's not a choice at all. "It's a lifestyle."可知骑自行车是他的生活方式。故选A。