

US online retail giant Amazon has set up shop on the business-to-consumer platform of Alibaba as it seeks a greater presence in the massive Chinese market.

The Seattle-based firm is offering food, women’s dress, toys and kitchenware through its store on which was “quietly” launched on Thursday, Chinese media reported. Amazon’s storefront carries the message: “It’s Day 1.”

Amazon and Alibaba are considered competitors in some areas but unlike the US firm the Chinese company has no product stocks of its own, simply providing a trading platform. “We welcome Amazon to the Alibaba ecosystem and their presence will further broaden the selection of products and elevate the shopping experience for Chinese consumers on Tmall,” an Alibaba spokeswoman said in a statement provided to AFP Friday. Tmall is estimated to hold more than half the market in China for business-to-consumer transactions.  

Amazon is not new to China. It opened an official store on Tmall for its Kindle e-book reader last year. The firm made its first appearance in China in August 2004 through the acquisition of, an online retailer of books, music and videos. The website was re-branded as in 2011.

“China’s e-commerce industry is fast-growing and nobody wants to miss it,” Yang Xiao of e-commerce services provider HC International told AFP. “Amazon wants to add an additional distribution channel in China.” He said the move could be aimed more at China’s, which has a similar business model to Amazon and also competes with Alibaba. “It’s a simple game logic -- an enemy’s enemy is a friend,” Yang said. “Amazon is more likely targeting and it’s a win-win situation for Tmall.”

Amazon is initially selling nearly 500 items, with more expected to be made available later. As of Friday morning, the top sellers on the Amazon store included a 220-yuan ($36) German drinks container, and canned almonds imported from the US with a price tag of 44 yuan ($7).


1.Why did Amazon choose Alibaba to set up shop?

A Because Amazon is a firm base in Seattle.

B Because Alibaba has very good platform.

C Because China has a very good market.

D Because Amazon knows little about retail.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句的on the business-to-consumer platform of Alibaba可知,亚马逊能选择在阿里巴巴开店正是因为看好了它的交易平台。

2.What does the Amazon shop on sell?

A German drinks.

B Music video.

C Women’s clothes.

D Kindle e-book reader.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句的The Seattle-based firm is offering food, women’s dress, toys and kitchenware through its store on Tmall.com可知在淘宝网上的亚马逊店是可以买到女士衣服的。

3.The underlined word “elevate” in the third paragraph may mean ______.

A improve

B discourage

C decrease

D bargain

解析:选A。A 词意推测题。根据第三段第二句的the Alibaba ecosystem and their presence will further broaden the selection of products可知该发言人对亚马逊开店的事情持肯定意见,认为这可以“扩大挑选的范围和提高中国顾客的购物体验”,所以elevate的意思为improve。

4.From the fourth paragraph, we can know _____.

A Amazon does not like Chinese market at all.

B Amazon tries its best to share Chinese market.

C Amazon acquired in August 2004.

D Amazon pay little attention to online shopping.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据文章第四段第三句的The firm made its first appearance in China in August 2004可知,亚马逊的种种努力都表明该公司想拓展在中国的销售业务,因此它在试图分享中国市场。

5.What did Yang Xiao mean by saying “an enemy’s enemy is a friend”?

A Amazon will catch China’s e-commerce industry

B Amazon will change its own business model

C Amazon will certainly compete with

D Amazon will help Tmall fight with

解析:选C。C。推理提判题。根据第五段第三句的He said the move could be aimed more at China’s, which has a similar business model to Amazon可知京东和亚马逊的经营模式一样,因此他们肯定会存在竞争,因此当他说“敌人的敌人就是我们的朋友” 的时候就暗示了亚马逊会和京东竞争。