

Dutch cannabis growers are reportedly being caught by police - thanks to melting snow.

Officers have released a photo of a cannabis factory in the city of Haarlem that was found due to an unusual lack of snow. While the rooftops were covered with snow, this special roof was completely snow-free.

Growing cannabis needs temperatures far above those common in neighbouring residential buildings, so Dutch news reports say police look for cannabis farms by looking for roofs where snow appears to have melted.

Last week police broke into a house in the city of Zutphen, where they discovered a bedroom with 88 cannabis plants.

Police helicopters in the UK have used a similar heat-detection method for years. They said: "Our cameras can detect unusually high temperatures coming from buildings several thousand feet away – anyone growing cannabis, using rows of heat lamps will be found from the skies."


1.What helped police catch the cannabis growers?

A Eyewitnesses.

B Police dogs.

C Victims.

D Melting snow.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第1段…thanks to melting snow.可知,故选D。

2.Why was the roof of the building that grew cannabis snow-free ?

A Because the cannabis growers liked to sweep the snow every day.

B Because it was too heavy with so much snow on the roof.

C Because the temperature in the building was far above the next common buildings.

D Because the cannabis can melt the snow.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第3段Growing cannabis needs temperatures far above those common in neighbouring residential buildings,可知,故选C。

3.In which country the police can find the cannabis growers by melting snow?

A South Africa.

B Australia.

C Egypt.

D Canada.

解析:选D。D 判断推理题。因ABC三个选项均常年不下雪,而题干为融雪助警方抓获大麻种植者,所以排除ABC选项,故选D。

4.Where was the 88 cannabis plants found?

A In the living room.

B On the farm.

C In the garden.

D In the bedroom.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第4段…they discovered a bedroom with 88 cannabis plants.可知,故选D。

5.How do police in the UK find cannabis growers?

A By melting snow.

B By breaking into buildings.

C By buying cannabis.

D By heat-detection method.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后1段Police helicopters in the UK have used a similar heat-detection method…可知,故选D。