

    LOS ANGELES, Feb 26 (Reuters) - The number of people who watched Sunday’s Oscars was down and the critics were less than impressed, but Hollywood’s biggest night is still a top draw for television advertisers.

This year’s telecast - which producers believed could build off 2014’s big audience of 43.7 million - attracted its lowest audience in six years and the oldest demographic ever with a median age of 53.

Despite a 15 percent drop in viewership to 37.3 million, however, it is still worth the price tag for advertisers and broadcaster ABC, analysts said. “It’s definitely a showcase place to be, and they (ABC) never have a problem selling it out year to year,” said Steve Kalb, a director at ad agency Mullen.

This year’s telecast hosted by actor Neil Patrick Harris commanded $1.9 million for 30 seconds of advertising time, up from last year’s $1.76 million, the highest among awards shows. Last year’s Ellen DeGeneres-hosted ceremony earned $95 million in ad revenue, according to Kantar Media. This year’s figure is not yet available. ABC pays $75 million annually to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for TV broadcast rights, said Brad Adgate, the research director at Horizon Media. The contract with Walt Disney Co's ABC and the Academy runs through 2020.

However, the search for a way to attract the younger viewers that advertisers prize most leads many to believe the Academy might have to make long-term changes to the ceremony.

Criticism this year focused on lack of diversity among acting nominees, clumsy jokes and the repeated complaint that it is too long. The show lasted three hours and 40 minutes and went past midnight on the East Coast.

It also hurt that it was a lackluster year at the box office, and only one film that Americans went to see in crowds, “American Sniper,” was in the running for best picture. “It’s up to the Academy to change it,” Adgate said. “It’s up to them to make this awards show more appealing.”


1.How many people watched the show?

A 43.7 million.

B 37.3 million.

C 30 million.

D 1.9 million.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第3段第1句Despite a 15 percent drop in viewership to 37.3 million…可知,今年收看奥斯卡颁奖典礼电视转播的人数为三千七百三十万人。

2.How much did the show earn from advertisements this year?

A more than $95 million.

B $75 million.

C 1.9 million.

D more than $75 million.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第4段第4句ABC pays $75 million annually to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for TV broadcast rights…可知,美国广播公司每年缴纳转播费用为七千五百万美元,因此今年的广告收益(尽管说不确定)是不会低于这个数字的,故选D。

3.What was the viewers unsatisfied about the show?

A The host’s jokes were ridiculous.

B Movies of this year were not so popular.

C Few young audience attended the show.

D The show went past midnight.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第6段第1句Criticism this year focused on lack of diversity among acting nominees, clumsy jokes …可知,观众对于奥斯卡颁奖仪式的批评包括主持人蹩脚的笑话,被提名影片缺乏多样性以及持续时间太长,故选D。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Without popular films, the show can’t be attractive.

B The Academy is expected to change the poor situation of films.

C American Sniper is considered the best film of the year.

D Films with good box office are sure to win Oscar awards.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章最后1段a lackluster year …make this awards show more appealing可以判断,如果没有高票房的电影,即深受欢迎的作品,颁奖仪式是不会有吸引力的。

5.Where can you most probably come across this article?

A Science fiction.

B Science journal.

C Newspaper.

D Health report.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章开头的LOS ANGELES, Feb 26 (Reuters)可知,本文为新闻报道,发自洛杉矶。