

Married for 67 years, Floyd and Violet Hartwig died this month within hours of one another, lying side by side and holding hands. "I think that's what kept them going," said Donna Scharton,the Hartwig's daughter. "They didn't want to go without each other."
Floyd died first. Five hours later, Violet passed.
Their deaths followed many years of illness. But their long relationship was one built on romantic letters. 
"Hi honey. Miss you darling and so in love with you," Floyd wrote Violet from the Pacific in May 1947, while serving in the Navy during World War II. Both born in Fresno, they'd known each other since elementary school but didn't fall in love with each other until the 1940s. 
"Honey, I'll sure be glad when I get out of this," Floyd's letter continued, "It sure isn't for me, though at one time I thought the Navy was very good. That was before I fell in love with the sweetest girl in the world."
The couple was married Aug. 16, 1947. 


1.Floyd and Violet Hartwig have been married for________years.

A 67

B 68

C 69

D 57

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第1段第1句可知,故选A。

2.Who died first?

A The husband.

B The wife.

C Their daughter.

D Their son.

解析:选A。A 内容理解题。根据Floyd died first.及下文内容可知Floyd是男的,故选A。

3.What does “passed” mean in paragraph 2?

A 经过.

B 传递.

C 去世.

D 通过.

解析:选C。C 语义推测题。根据第1段两人同天去世及第二段Floyd died first. Five hours later, Violet passed.可得知,故选C。

4.How do they express(表达)their love when Floyd was in the Navy?

A By cell phone.

B By QQ.

C By telephone.

D By letters.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第3段But their long relationship was one built on romantic letters. 可知,故选D。

5.Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?

A Floyd suffered from illness before their deaths but Violet not.

B The couple died on the same day but in different years.

C Floyd was once a soldier in the Navy.

D Violet was once a soldier in the Navy.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。由第4、5段内容可知Floyd曾经在海军服役,故选C。