
Jay Chou is a very famous singer in China. These days, he is on his Carnival World Tour in China. He managed to invite Chinese action star Jackie Chan as his special guest during the third day of his concert in Tianjin last Saturday.

Chou, 44, was performing the song Faraway (2006) when Chan, 69, appeared through a rising platform (舞台) and sang along with him. More than 40,000 fans at the Tianjin Olympic Centre Stadium shouted and cheered at that.

Chou and Chan hugged each other after performing the song, with Chan saying he was stunned by the fans’ loud cheers. He couldn’t believe his ears. “Brother, do you want to feel it again?” Chou asked, before telling the crowd: “Let’s use the nunchucks (双节棍).”

Then they responded with “Heng heng ha xi”, which is part of Chou’s 2001 song Nunchucks. Chan then replied: “I will perform The Drunken Master next time. Heng heng ha xi,” referring to the theme song of his Kung Fu movie Drunken Master II (1994).

When Chou asked Chan if he wanted to perform another song, Chan then picked Chou’s Listen To Mum for their next song, as Chan said he could not keep up with Chou’s more fast-paced tracks such as Nunchucks.

“Thank you to all the fans for supporting him, thank you to all the movie fans for supporting me. Thank you everyone,” Chan adds.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Why did Chou’s fans shout and cheer?

A Because Jay Chou performed Faraway alone.

B Because Jay Chou danced to the music.

C Because Jackie Chan was standing among the fans.

D Because Jackie Chan appeared on the stage.


2.What can we know about the Drunken Master?

A It is Chan’s first Kung Fu movie.

B It is the song of one of Chan’s movies.

C It is Chan’s favorite movie.

D It is Chou’s favorite song.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句的“‘I will perform The Drunken Master next time. Heng heng ha xi,’ referring to the theme song of his Kung Fu movie Drunken Master II (1994).”可知,《醉拳》是成龙主演的功夫电影《醉拳II》的主题曲。故选B。

3.Why did Chan choose to sing the song Listen To Mum?

A Because he likes the song best.

B Because it is special to him.

C Because it is easier to sing.

D Because it is the only song he can sing.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句的“as Chan said he could not keep up with Chou’s more fast-paced tracks such as Nunchucks.”可知,成龙随后选择了周杰伦2006年的歌曲《听妈妈的话》作为他们的下一首合唱歌曲,因为成龙说他跟不上周杰伦快节奏的歌曲,因此《听妈妈的话》对他来说更容易演唱。故选C。

4.What does the underlined word “stunned” mean?

A Scared.

B Shocked.

C Moved.

D Troubled.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的“He couldn’t believe his ears.”可知,成龙说他被粉丝们的大声欢呼惊呆了,他甚至不敢相信自己的耳朵。故选B。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A Music.

B Food.

C Travel.

D Health.
