
A simple honk (汽车喇叭声) from the bus is one part of a secret code (“暗号”) between the driver and students living in a far-away village in Wanzhou, Chongqing.

Noticing a schoolbag hanging on the door of an old house along his route, the bus driver pulls over and honks to answer the “code”. After a moment, a boy rushes outside and gets on the bus.

The boy’s parents work far from home, leaving him in the care of his grandmother. Though the boy is separated from his parents, he is trying hard to achieve his education. He makes the weekly journey to the city to go to school. He and the driver, Mr Cheng Lin, have developed a special routine (惯例). Whenever the boy’s schoolbag is hanging outside the house, it shows Cheng that the young student needs to catch the bus.

Mr Cheng has been driving the Luotian to Wuqiao Nan Station route for many years. He shared his ideas on the matter. He mentioned that this countryside route had a large number of left-behind children because their parents are far from home. Recognizing the importance of his role in their lives, he paid extra attention on Fridays and Sundays, the days when these children usually traveled back and forth to school.

Touched by the story, netizens (网友) praised him as a “good driver” and admired his promise to his young passengers. One netizen pointed out that “some people may not realize that the mountain road is so winding. A 15-minute bus drive may take at least an hour of walking...”. Another commented that “the schoolbag is their code, packed with love inside.”

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1.What do the underlined words “pulls over” mean?

A Stop the bus from falling.

B Move the bus more slowly.

C Drive away quickly from the road.

D Drive to stop at the side of the road.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据后面的“honks to answer the ‘code’. After a moment, a boy rushes outside and gets on the bus.”不一会儿一个男孩上车了,说明司机把车停靠在了路边。故选D。

2.How often does the boy come home?

A Every day.

B Once a week.

C Twice a month.

D Once a month.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“He makes the weekly journey to the city to go to school.”可知,他每周去城里上学,即每周会回家一次。故选B。

3.Why does the boy hang his schoolbag on the door?

A To share with the bus driver some secrets.

B To tell the driver he needs to catch the bus.

C To show he is a student following his dreams.

D To ask the driver to take his schoolbag to city.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Whenever the boy’s schoolbag is hanging outside the house, it shows to Cheng that the young student needs to catch the bus.”可知,男孩把书包挂在门上是为了告诉司机他需要乘车。故选B。

4.What does Mr Cheng Lin think of his role in the left-behind children’s life?

A It’s usual.

B It’s strange.

C It’s important.

D It’s nothing.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“Recognizing the importance of his role in their lives...”可知,程师傅知道自己在这些留守儿童生活中有着很重要的作用。故选C。

5.Which word can best describe Mr Cheng?

A Caring.

B Talented.

C Creative.

D Serious.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句的“Touched by the story, netizens praised him as a ‘good driver’ and admired his promise to his young passengers.”可知,网友们纷纷为这位司机点赞,称他是“重庆好司机”,即这名司机是体贴有爱的。故选A。