
The Asian Games are a comprehensive sports event in Asia organized by the Asian Olympic Council (OCA) every four years. The first Asian Games were held in New Delhi, India in 1951. China has hosted two Asian Games, in Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010 respectively.

Compared with other international comprehensive sports events, the Asian Games have non-Olympic sports. The Hangzhou Asian Games is the largest comprehensive sports event in Asia ever with 40 sports including 61 sub-ones and 481 gold medals to be awarded. There are symbolic sports representing Asia such as Wushu, sepaktakraw, cricket and jujitsu and emerging ones that are popular with the youth such as skateboarding, sport climbing, esports and breaking with the latter two newly-introduced in this Games.

The Hangzhou Asian Games shows the diversity and inclusiveness of Asian sports culture. Boasting the West Lake and known as “paradise on earth”, Hangzhou is one of the birthplaces of Chinese silk, calligraphy painting, printing and seal cutting, and a city with artistic conception and innovative vitality leading in the areas of Internet, digital economy and intelligent manufacturing in China.

The Games’ three mascots — named Congcong, Lianlian and Chenchen are three robots carrying cultural and modern connotations. The three represent the Liangzhu Archaeological (考古的) Ruins, the West Lake and the Grand Canal in Hangzhou respectively. The city and the green, intelligent cultural and civilized Asian Games are welcoming you.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What can we know about the Asian Games?

A They’re held every two years.

B China hosted the Asian Games in Shenzhen.

C The Asian Games have non-Olympic sports.

D The Hangzhou Asian Games will award 481 silver medals.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“the Asian Games have non-Olympic sports”可知亚运会有些项目是非奥项目。故选C。

2.Which of the following is different from others?

A Esports.

B Wushu.

C Sport climbing.

D Skateboarding.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段“There are symbolic sports representing Asia such as Wushu, sepaktakraw, cricket and jujitsu and emerging ones that are popular with the youth such as skateboarding, sport climbing, esports and breaking with the latter two newly-introduced in this Games.”此次杭州亚运会有包括武术、藤球、板球和柔术在内的代表亚洲体育文化的特色项目,还有滑板、攀岩、电竞、霹雳舞等青少年喜欢的新兴项目。结合选项可知,武术属于传统项目,其他三项属于新兴项目。故选B。

3.What does Lianlian represent?

A The Liangzhu Archaeological Ruins.

B The Grand Canal.

C The West Lake.

D Chinese silk.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段的“The three represent the Liangzhu Archaeological (考古的) Ruins, the West Lake and the Grand Canal in Hangzhou respectively.”可知杭州亚运会吉祥物“琮琮”、“莲莲”和“宸宸”分别代表良渚古城遗址、西湖和京杭大运河。故选C。

4.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A Sports.

B Lifestyle.

C Culture.

D Business.
