
A 69-year-old man from the Russian Republic of Dagestan claims to have set a new world record for the fastest weight loss, after losing over 11 kilograms during a 2.5-hour race.

Bahama Aigubov had already had his name carved in the Russian Book of Records in 2019 when he lost 9.3 kg after a five-hour race, but he recently managed to break his own record by losing 11.1 kg in 2.5 hours during a 21 km race in Makhachkala. Aigubov cannot have his record recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, as it does not acknowledge achievements in rapid weight loss so as not to encourage people to engage (参与) in dangerous experiments, but the person claims to be the fastest body weight person in the world, by far.

A Russian, European, and even World champion in judo, sambo, Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, Bahama Aigubov has had a lot of weight-cutting experience for fights. He said that in his youth, he could lose up to 17 kg for fights, but it has been getting harder ever since. Still, he managed to beat every other competitor in terms of weight loss. Aigubov recently expressed his disappointment at people dismissing his claim and telling him to his face that they don’t believe him, but he claims he can lose weight faster and more efficiently than anyone.

“They say that a heavyweight will appear and beat you… But the record is measured as a percentage of body weight. If a person weighs a lot more, of course, he will lose more. And percentage-wise, I can beat anyone. In three and a half years, no one has broken my record. Many tried, there were so many of them in Dagestan...  And the Americans tried, but where would they go?” said Aigubov.

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1.Why didn’t the Guinness Book of Records acknowledge Aigubov’s achievements?

A Because no one in the world is interested in this achievement.

B To prevent Aigubov keeping losing weight in such an unhealthy way.

C Because they don’t believe in his achievements.

D To prevent encouraging others to make dangerous attempts.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的“as it does not acknowledge achievements in rapid weight loss so as not to encourage people to engage in dangerous experiments”可知,艾古波夫自称他打破了世界纪录,是目前世界上快速减重最快的人。不过,吉尼斯并没有对这项纪录进行认证,以免鼓励其他人进行危险的尝试。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “dismissing” mean?

A Ignoring.

B Forecasting.

C Advocating.

D Adopting.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“telling him to his face that they don’t believe him, but he claims he can lose weight faster and more efficiently than anyone”可知,艾古波夫最近对人们驳回他的说法并当面告诉他他们不相信他而表示失望,但他声称自己可以比任何人更快、更有效地减重。故选A。

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A Aigubov will stop trying to lose weight.

B Only one American person beat Aigubov’s record.

C Many have tried to beat Aigubov’s record but failed.

D Aigubov is not confident about himself now.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第四段倒数第二句的“Many tried, there were so many of them in Dagestan”可知,在三年半的时间里,很多人尝试过打破他的记录,但都失败了。故选C。

4.What type of writing is this text?

A An exhibition guide.

B An art show review.

C A news report.

D An announcement.
