
In a forest, there lived a lion. He was old and couldn’t run fast. It was difficult for him to hunt.

One day, while he was walking through the forest, he came across a cave. He looked into it and smelt the air inside. “Some animal must be staying here,” he said. He went into the cave only to find it empty. “I will hide inside and wait for the animal to return, then I will no longer be hungry,” he thought. 

The cave was the home of a jackal (豺). Every day, the jackal went out in the day and returned to the cave in the evening. That evening, the jackal returned. But as he came closer, he felt something wrong. Everything around him was very quiet. “Something is wrong,” the jackal thought. “Why are all the birds so silent?” 

He walked very slowly to his cave. He looked around, watching for any signs of danger. “I have to make sure that everything is alright,” thought the jackal. Suddenly, he thought of a plan. The jackal called out to the cave. “Hello my good cave, what happened to you today? Why are you so quiet?” The lion thought to himself, “I think it is because I am here that the cave is silent. Before the jackal realizes that something is wrong, I should do something.” The jackal continued to call out, “Have you forgotten our agreement, cave? You should greet me when I return home.” The lion tried to make his voice sound hollow (空洞而沉闷的) and called out from within the cave, “Welcome home my friend.”

The birds flew away on hearing the lion’s voice. As for the jackal, he shook with fear. Before the hungry lion could eat him up, the jackal ran as fast as his legs could carry him. The lion waited for a long time for the jackal to enter the cave. But when the jackal did not come in, the lion realized that he had been fooled.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.The lion went to the forest __________.

A in search of food

B to find new friends

C in order to sleep

D for a better life

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段的“then I will no longer be hungry”可知,狮子去森林因为他饿了,所以他是为了寻找食物。故选A。

2.The jackal was __________.

A honest and kind

B foolish and careless

C quiet and careful

D careful and smart

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段的“Something is wrong,” the jackal thought.和第四段的“He looked around, watching for any signs of danger.”“Suddenly, he thought of a plan.”可知这只豺很谨慎,也很聪明。故选D。

3.What was the jackal’s plan?

A To move his house to another place.

B To ask the birds around for help.

C To cheat the animal in the cave.

D To talk to his lovely cave.


4.What can we know about the lion?

A He ate the jackal.

B He killed the birds.

C He was stupid.

D He ran away.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句的“the lion realized that he had been fooled”可知,狮子被愚弄了,由此可知,狮子很蠢。故选C。

5.The passage probably comes from __________.

A a storybook

B a fashion magazine

C an English dictionary

D a travel guide
