
A businessman in a small town lost all his money in business. He decided to go to another town. He took all he had and prepared to leave. But there was an iron weighing balance, which he could not take along with him. So he took it to his friend the money lender. “Friend, I am going to do my business in another town. Will you please keep this iron balance for me till I return?” asked the businessman. “Surely. Why not?” answered the money lender.

The businessman did very well in another town. Months later, he decided to go back. He returned a rich man. He went to his friend and asked him to return his weighing balance. It was a good weighing balance. So the money lender said, “I am sorry my friend. I kept your iron balance in my room, but the mice ate it up.”

The businessman didn’t believe him, but he pretended to believe him and asked, “My friend, I want to take a bath in the river. Will you send your little son with me? I want him to keep an eye on my clothes and my money bag.” The money lender agreed. The businessman took the little boy and locked him up in a place and went back to the money lender. 

He said, “I am very sorry my friend, while I was walking down to the river with your son, an eagle (鹰) flew down and carried him away.” “You are lying,” shouted the money lender angrily. “Return my son or I will take you to the judge.” “Come, let us go,” said the businessman.

After hearing the eagle story, the judge said, “Are you trying to fool me? How can an eagle fly away with a boy?” “If mice can eat an iron balance, why can’t an eagle fly away with a boy?” asked the businessman. “Explain yourself,” ordered the judge. After listening to the whole story, the judge could not help smiling. He said to the money lender, “Return him his weighing balance and he will return your son to you.”

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1.Why did the businessman move to another town?

A To restart his business.

B To make friends.

C To buy something.

D To carry an eagle.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段商人说的话“I am going to do my business in another town.”可知,商人去另一个镇是为了重新做生意。故选A。

2.Why did the money lender say that the mice ate the iron balance up?

A He was afraid of the businessman.

B He lost the iron balance.

C He wanted to keep it himself.

D It was truly eaten by mice.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段的“It was a good weighing balance. So the money lender said...”可知,那把秤是把好秤,所以商人的朋友撒谎了,由此可推知,商人的朋友想自己占有那把好秤。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “pretended” mean?

A 打算.

B 假装.

C 想象.

D 体验.


4.How did the judge feel about the eagle story?

A It’s not real.

B It’s boring.

C It’s exciting.

D It’s hard to judge.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段法官说的话“Are you trying to fool me? How can an eagle fly away with a boy?”可知,法官认为商人说的是假话,是在愚弄他。故选A。

5.What kind of person is the money lender?

A Unfriendly but brave.

B Lazy but smart.

C Confident and gentle.

D Dishonest and selfish.
