
A 36-year-old woman in Vietnam has been raising a lot of eyebrows in her home country with claims of suffering from insomnia (失眠症) that has lasted for over 11 years.

Ms. Tran Thi Luu, who works at a preschool in the city of Quảng Ngãi, has become the talk of Vietnamese social media after it was reported that she hasn’t slept in more than 11 years. In a recent interview, the woman said that her decade-long insomnia began with a crying episode. Tears just started flowing from her eyes for no apparent reason, and even trying to lie down and close her eyes couldn’t stop them. The strange crying eventually ceased, but so did her ability to fall asleep. Try as she might, Luu couldn’t “log out” anymore. Her eyes were tired, but her mind was fully awake, so for the last 11 years she has done little other than lie down with her eyes closed to relax while her husband and children are sleeping.

The 36-year-old woman reportedly went to Quang Ngai Provincial Mental Hospital for examination, and the doctors there said she had serious insomnia. They gave her some pills, and even though taking them made her legs hurt to the point where she was unable to walk, she wanted to sleep so she took them. However, the pills were expensive and her legs felt too hurt, so she stopped taking them after a few months.

The Vietnamese insomniac remains positive about her condition, but she says that she has many health problems, like bone pain and stomach pain all year round, conditions that she thinks may be linked to her lack of sleep. She remains hopeful that one day she will be able to sleep like a normal person again.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What does the underlined part “log out” mean?

A Cry out.

B Close eyes.

C Fall asleep.

D Lie down.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据前一句的“The strange crying eventually ceased, but so did her ability to fall asleep.”可知,这次奇怪的哭泣最终停止了,但是她也失去了入睡的能力。即使她很努力地尝试了,仍然无法入睡。故选C。

2.What made Luu stop taking the pills? ①The high price.②The bad taste.③The side effect. ④The poor effect.

A ①②

B ②③

C ①④

D ①③

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“However, the pills were expensive and her legs felt too hurt, so she stopped taking them after a few months.”可知,尽管服用这种药会让她的腿疼到无法行走,但她非常渴望睡觉,所以服用了这种药。然而,这种药太贵了,副作用也太严重了,所以她在几个月后就停止服用了。故选D。

3.What’s Luu’s attitude to her future life?

A Positive.

B Negative.

C Indifferent.

D Neutral.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句的“The Vietnamese insomniac remains positive about her condition”和最后一句的“She remains hopeful that one day she will be able to sleep like a normal person again.”可知,这位越南失眠症患者对自己的病情仍持积极态度,她仍然希望有一天她能再次像正常人一样入睡,因此她对未来的生活持积极态度。故选A。

4.What type of writing is this text?

A A research article.

B A play review.

C A news report.

D An advertisement.
