

A police force has warned people could be arrested for throwing snowballs at strangers after they received hundreds of telephone complaints. Staffordshire Police have said throwing snow could be treated as “anti-social behavior”. Five more incidents were reported by motorists within just two hours of snow falling in the West Midlands this week. No arrests have been made.

Inspector Paul Johnson said: “No-one wants to prevent youngsters having a good time enjoying the snowy weather but there is a point where fun stops and danger begins. Pelting people with snowballs can be counted as anti-social behavior. Some snowballs have the potential to cause injury to people or damage to property, especially if they contain stones. When snowballs are thrown at cars, there is the potential for drivers to suddenly lose control of their vehicles. We urge parents to advise their children about the dangers of throwing snowballs at vehicles and the potential for a snowball to cause injury if it hits someone directly. People should enjoy the snow, but do it responsibly.”

But it met with a mixed response from locals. Irene Murray said: “It is just part of life, throwing snowballs, isn’t it? I think it’s a bit rich to threaten kids with arrest when we have thieves and other serious crimes which need more police officers to spend their time on. My grandson, Chris Evans, and I enjoy it so much.”

Tom Vaughan added: “I think police should just ignore the calls when people ring 999 to complain about being hit with a snowball. If you are hit with a snow - just throw one back, surely? There’s no need to make a big deal about it is there.”

But pensioner Dennis Loftus said: “There can be real trouble when someone throws a lump of ice at your car or house window. That is serious and it will make me feel more safe if I know I can call the police.”


1.Why did the police begin to face the problems of snowballs?

A Because many people called to complain its trouble.

B Because five more motorists were hurt by snowballs.

C Because they have caught many people throw snowballs.

D Because they found snowballs were used for making fun.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第1段第1句的at strangers after they received hundreds of telephone complaints可以得知警察开始行动就是因为有很多人打电话报警投诉雪球的问题。

2.The underlined word “pelting” in the second paragraph may mean ____.

A enjoying

B hitting

C laughing

D having

解析:选B。B。词义推测题。根据文章第2段第3句的Some snowballs have the potential to cause injury to people or damage to property可知雪球会对人们导致伤害,因此此处是说用雪球“打人”,所以该词的意思为“击打”。

3.What did the police suggest the parents do?

A They should ask their children to use some very soft snowballs.

B They should argue their children into throwing snowball at cars.

C They should tell their children mind the danger of the snowballs.

D They should teach their children how to make snowball fly fast.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据第2段第5句的We urge parents to advise their children about the dangers of throwing snowballs at vehicles and the potential for a snowball to cause injury if it hits someone directly可知警察建议家长教育孩子要注意雪球带来的潜在的危害。

4.Who agreed to prevent the children from throwing snowballs?

A Dennis Loftus.

B Tom Vaughan.

C Chris Evans.

D Irene Murray.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第5段第1句的There can be real trouble when someone throws a lump of ice at your car or house window可以得知Dennis Loftus说如果自己的车或者门被扔上雪是很烦人的,据此可以推知Dennis Loftus是赞成禁止扔雪球的。

5.From the third paragraph we can infer Irene Murray believes ______.

A it’s important to catch more thieves

B it’s good to make friends his grandson

C it’s best to threaten the kids with arrest

D it’s unnecessary to stop the snowballs

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据文章第3段第2句和第3句的It is just part of life, throwing snowballs isn't it? I think it's a bit rich to threaten kids with arrest可知他认为雪球是生活的一部分,用逮捕让孩子们感觉到害怕有些过分;据此可以推知他认为没有必要阻止孩子们玩雪球。