
“Deep work” was invented by Cal Newport in his book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. It refers to the capacity for concentrated, high-quality cognitive activities demanding deep focus, creativity, and problem-solving. Crucially, deep work is a skill. It will be difficult initially, but it will improve and become easier to engage in over time and with practice.  

In Cal Newport’s book, he analyses the subject across two sections. In the initial part, he explains the theoretical framework for deep work and explains its significance. He builds his argument on three key points: the value, rarity (稀有), and meaningfulness of deep work. He uses examples of how deep thinking benefited people from all works of life. In the book’s second section, Newport provides a roadmap for achieving deep work. He suggests four key principles that facilitate its realization: engage in deep work, embrace boredom, abandon social media, and remove unnecessary tasks.

Cal Newport currently works as a professor of computer science at Georgetown University. His career contains a large number of publications, with over 50 handwritten documents all related to computer science. Beyond his academic pursuits, Newport manages a website named “The Deep Life,” which focuses on topics on deep work. 

While deep work is highly productive and can lead to significant accomplishments, there are considerations to keep in mind.

▲Some people can sustain deep work for longer periods, while others may find it more effective to shift between deep work and other tasks.

▲Regular breaks, rest, and recovery help prevent tiredness and allow you to return to deep work sessions with renewed focus.

▲The amount of time one can sustain deep work can vary based on factors such as task complexity, familiarity with the subject matter, and individual preferences.

▲It’s not necessary or sustainable to engage in deep work all day. Balanced work routines that include a mix of deep work, shallow work, and breaks are often more effective in the long run.

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1.What doesn’t characterize deep work according to Cal Newport?

A Intense focus.

B Creative thinking.

C Problem-solving ability.

D Passive thinking.


2.What’s the second paragraph mainly about?

A A deep work summary.

B Deep work by Cal Newport — the book.

C Creating a deep work schedule.

D Key principles of deep work.


3.What can we know about Cal Newport?

A He is a university programmer professor.

B He created a website about deep life.

C He has rich academic achievements.

D He is skilled in deep work.


4.What should we do to focus on success for our practice?

A Keep deep work as long as possible.

B Take time to relax occasionally.

C Mix deep work with shallow work.

D Give priority to simple boring work.
