
In this day and age where some people do not have the time to even take a deep breath, you should feel lucky that you have some free time on your hands. So you ought to make each and every moment count by doing something productive that interests you, rather than just spending your time lying around and doing nothing. Here are some productive things to do in your free time, you are bound to have a lot of fun!

Read a book: A great book has more value than just entertainment. Reading books regularly has been connected to reduced depression, improved empathy, and social skills, and even increased longevity (长寿).

Learn a new language: Language acquisition strengthens mental flexibility, potentially preventing cognitive (认知的) decline later in life by nearly 4.5 years. It’s also fun and challenging, providing you with a fulfilling feeling of accomplishment as you progress. Try a language-learning app or organize a coffee date with someone willing to chat with you in this foreign language.

____________: Cooking is never a waste of time. It’s expressive and delicious, and the number of things you can learn never ends. Following a recipe also allows you to focus on something non-work-related and enjoy a fairly immediate reward.

Enjoy a game with loved ones: Maintaining healthy, fulfilling relationships with friends and family positively impacts your mental health. People who engage meaningfully with their loved ones, whether through games, meals, or movie nights, manage stress levels better, are happier, and feel encouraged to start healthier habits.

Instead of wasting your time carelessly during your free or spare time, you should rather use this productive time to do tasks that are helpful and fun. Though in this day and age making money is important so as to make two ends meet but making memories is equally important.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Reading a good book keeps us away from _________.

A happiness

B long life

C entertainment

D loneliness

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“Reading books regularly has been connected to reduced depression, improved empathy, and social skills, and even increased longevity.”可知,经常读书可以减少抑郁,提高同理心和社交技巧,甚至可以延长寿命。结合选项可知,读书可以让我们远离孤独。故选D。

2.What is suggested to do to learn a new language?

A Awarding yourself often.

B Making some new friends.

C Improving mental flexibility.

D Chatting in this language.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“or organize a coffee date with someone willing to chat with you in this foreign language”可知,作者建议和别人用这门语言聊天。故选D。

3.Which of the following can be put back into the blank?

A Try DIY arts and crafts

B Learn a new recipe

C Sign up for a dance class

D Find a hobby for yourself

解析:选B。B段落大意题。根据该段内容及关键词句“cooking”“expressive and delicious”“recipe”等可知,该段主要讲的是做美食。B项“学习新食谱”最符合文意。故选B。

4.What does the author intend to say in Paragraph 5?

A Interact with loved ones actively.

B Start to develop healthy habits.

C Play games with family often.

D Manage stress regularly.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第五段的关键词句“Maintaining healthy, fulfilling relationships with friends and family positively impacts your mental health.”“People who engage meaningfully with their loved ones”可知第五段主要告诉我们与家人、朋友保持健康、充实的关系,与爱的人积极互动的好处。故选A。

5.Whom is the passage mainly written for?

A Seniors.

B Kids.

C Adults.

D Teenagers.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“Though in this day and age making money is important so as to make two ends meet but making memories are equally important.”虽然赚钱很重要,这样才能维持收支平衡,但留下回忆同样重要。根据其中的“赚钱”“维持收支平衡”可推知,这篇文章主要是写给负责养家的成年人的。故选C。