

It all started January 2014 when McIntyre overheard her mother and grandmother talking about a story they heard on the radio about a 25-year-old man her age in need of a kidney transplant.

They said this man had lost his father to brain cancer in 2012 and had had his house burned down on Christmas Day 2011. McIntire’s mother said that if it weren’t for her health problems, she would give him a kidney. She had type-O blood, which is the universal donor.

McIntyre said, “I was like, ‘Well, I’m type-O and I don’t have any health problems.’”

The next day, she called to volunteer her kidney, and the testing started shortly. McIntyre didn’t want to meet the man, Danny Robinson, until she knew she was a match.

When they finally met, in March, McIntyre was nervous, she said, “As soon as we started talking, it was like our families had known each other forever.” And on Christmas Day, after all the presents were opened, Robinson pulled out one more gift: a small, wrapped box with an engagement ring. He got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.

“He is truly a good person,” McIntyre said. “We have so much fun together.” Their baby girl is due in June. “He’s going to be a great dad,” she said.


1.How did McIntyre know that a young man need a kidney transplant?

A On the radio.

B On the newspaper.

C By her families’ talking.

D On the internet.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。根据第1段McIntyre偶然听到母亲和外婆谈论一个同龄人需要肾移植而得知,故选C。

2.What happened to the man in 2011?

A He had a nice Christmas Day.

B His father died.

C His house was burned.

D He transplanted his kidney.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第2段第1句…and had had his house burned down on Christmas Day 2011.可知,故选C。

3.Who is type-O blood in the passage?

A McIntyre.

B McIntyre’s mother.

C McIntyre’s grandmother.

D Both A and B.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。根据第2、3段内容可知,故选D。

4.Danny Robinson is a________to McIntyre before the match.

A friend

B stranger

C family member

D colleague

解析:选B。B 判断推理题。根据第4段内容McIntyre didn't want to meet the man, Danny Robinson, until she knew she was a match.可知,故选B。

5.“Their baby girl is due in June.” infers that________.

A McIntyre is pregnant

B Danny Robinson is pregnant

C McIntyre wants to have a baby girl

D the girl’s name is June

解析:选A。A 判断推理题。根据句子意思可知他们的女儿六月份出生,可推测McIntyre怀孕了,故选A。