
Have you ever refrigerated (冷藏) your peanut butter? If so, it may surprise you that many people don’t. There are reasons you may prefer to keep peanut butter cold. But peanut butter is actually perfectly safe at room temperature.

Peanut butter is one of those foods that you don't need to refrigerate. If it hasn’t been opened, you can expect it to last for six to nine months at room temperature. After opening, it’s good for two to three months. Actually, peanut butter is given as an example of a food that is “safe indefinitely (无期限地).” It may get a different flavor. The color may change over the years. But it’s not likely to kill you.

How is that possible? In peanut butter,there is much oil and solids. There isn’t enough water in it to be a place for germs (病菌) to grow. So peanut butter is safe at room temperature.

That doesn’t mean it’s bad to keep it in the fridge, here’s where you’ll have to consider another factor: how long it takes you to go through a jar of peanut butter. Many people can finish one in only weeks or days. These people can place it in the room. But if it takes you months, or longer than two or three months, it will be better to keep in the fridge. 

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1.Opened peanut butter is expected to keep ______.

A for six to nine months

B for two to three months

C for a very long time

D for weeks or days

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“Actually, peanut butter is given as an example of a food that is ‘safe indefinitely (无期限地).’”可知,花生酱在很长时间内都是安全的。故选C。

2.What makes peanut butter safe at room temperature?

A The cloudy weather.

B The peanut butter itself.

C The cold room temperature.

D The bright and dry environment.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段“In peanut butter,there is much oil and solids. There isn’t enough water in it to be a place for germs (病菌) to grow.”可知,花生酱的主要成分是油和固体,没有足够的水分让病菌繁殖,由此可知是花生酱本身让它可以在室温保存。故选B。

3.If you can eat up a jar of peanut butter in three weeks, where can you put it?

A On your bed.

B Only in the fridge.

C Next to your bathroom.

D In your room.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Many people can finish one in only weeks or days. These people can place it in the room.”可知,很多人几周或者几天就吃完一罐花生酱了,这样的话可以把花生酱就放在房间里(室温里)。故选D。

4.When is it better to keep the peanut butter in the fridge?

A When you seldom eat it.

B When it’s going to go bad.

C When the weather is too hot.

D When there’s a little left.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段的“But if it takes you months, or longer than two or three months, it will be better to keep in the fridge.”可知,如果你需要花几个月才能吃完一罐花生酱(即你不怎么吃),最好就是把它放在冰箱里。故选A。

5.What kind of text is the passage?

A A story.

B A letter.

C A guide.

D A poster.
