
Recently, the National Freestyle Roller Skating Championship was held in Lishui, Zhejiang. Qin Yuqing, a member of the national freestyle roller skating team, secured the championship title in the Adult Women’s Freestyle Roller Skating Style Round.

Born in the year 2004, this young enthusiast of roller skating and traditional Chinese culture has already secured numerous victories in competitions. “It was love at first sight,” Qin began her roller skating journey when she was just 6 years old. She felt an indescribable bond to roller skating, and recognizing her passion, her parents supported her greatly and swiftly helped her sign up for the sport. From that moment on, she spent most of her time on daily practice.

Balancing her practice alongside daytime studies, Qin found herself training mostly at night. She faced challenges, including a serious fall that left her with a scar on her chin, requiring 13 stitches (缝线). Reflecting on this scar, she sees it as a symbol of her personal growth. Stepping onto the competition stage brought about nervousness and mistakes for Qin at first. She recalled a moment when she fell in the middle of a competition, experiencing embarrassment, but quickly adjusting her mindset. “Failure is okay, what matters isn’t whether you fall, but whether you stand up again.”

Since 2015, Qin has committed herself to the preservation and promotion of Chinese culture. She wanted to show wonderful Chinese traditional culture to a wider audience through her efforts. To ensure that the elegance of Chinese culture was perfectly displayed in roller skating competitions, Qin has spent a lot of time and energy. “I have a strong desire to be more than just a roller skater; I aim to be an ambassador of Chinese culture, upholding and advancing our nation’s great heritage through the integration of roller skating and traditional aesthetics (美学).”

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1.What does the underlined word “swiftly” mean?

A Obviously.

B Quickly.

C Extremely.

D Creatively.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“her parents supported her greatly”可知,6岁时秦雨晴开始接触自由式轮滑,她说自己和轮滑之间似乎有着奇妙的缘分。爸爸妈妈看到她喜欢,很支持她,于是“很快”给她报了名。故选B。

2.What kind of person is Qin Yuqing?

A Strict and humorous.

B Silent and hardworking.

C Polite and romantic.

D Hardworking and positive.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段第一句的“Qin found herself training mostly at night”可知,因白天要上课,秦雨晴只能在晚上练习,由此可知她很勤奋;根据第三段第三句的“she sees it as a symbol of her personal growth”,第五句“quickly adjusting her mindset”和最后一句“Failure is okay, what matters isn’t whether you fall, but whether you stand up again.”可知,初入赛场,秦雨晴遭受一次次的挫败与打击,当时也感到一丝尴尬,但很快便调整了心态,由此可知她很乐观。故选D。

3.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A Qin’s numerous victories in competitions

B Oin’s pursuit of spreading Chinese culture.

C Qin’s dream of designing traditional clothes.

D Qin’s much embarrassment in her life.


4.What type of writing is this text?

A A research article.

B A play review.

C A news report.

D An advertisement.
