
Sometimes, determining which projects you should devote your time and energy to first takes energy you don’t have to spare (which is why we have tips for how to do it). But even when you know what tasks need to be done, you still need to figure out how to prioritize them. Try the 3-3-3 method.

This technique comes from Oliver Burkeman, author of Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals ($13.99). He advocates planning each workday around a 3-3-3 model, first devoting three hours to deep work on your most important project. Next, complete three other urgent tasks that don’t require three hours of focus. Finally, do three “maintenance” tasks, like cleaning, answering emails, or scheduling other work.

What distinguishes this method from other approaches are those first three hours of deep work. Jumping into them first means you’ll be fresh, focused, and more likely to be able to jump into a task without getting distracted. Keep those three hours free of emails, texts, chats, or other menial duties, to the best of your ability. (Check out our full guide to engaging in deep work here.)

Deep work yields major productivity, so you’ll get a lot accomplished if you commit to it, but you can’t stay in that mindset (思维模式) forever. You’ll top out after about three hours, so it’s best to have those three other, smaller tasks lined up and ready to go so you can stay productive even while downshifting into less demanding responsibilities.

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1.What does the 3-3-3 method focus on?

A Urgent tasks.

B Planning and scheduling.

C Spare time.

D The first three hours.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段“first devoting three hours to deep work on your most important project”可知,在奥利弗看来,最重要的是每天的头三个小时,应该把这三个小时集中在最重要的事情上进行深度工作。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “menial” probably mean?

A Unskilled.

B Significant.

C Urgent.

D Necessary.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分前文的“Keep those three hours free of emails, texts, chats, or”可知,在这三个小时里,需要远离邮件、短信、聊天或其他“琐事”。故选A。

3.Why should we arrange smaller tasks after deep work?

A Smaller tasks take less time.

B We can’t do two things at once.

C Deep work takes energy.

D Our attention is limited.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段的“you’ll get a lot accomplished if you commit to it, but you can’t stay in that mindset forever”可知,我们不能一直保持一种全身心投入的思维模式,即我们的精力是有限的。故选D。

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A What is the 3-3-3 method?

B Why the 3-3-3- method works

C Get More Done With the “3-3-3 Method”

D How to Organize Your Life and Career
