

Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has become the world’s most valuable technology start-up just four years after it was founded in 2010.

The firm raised $1.1bn (£708m) in its latest round of funding, giving it a valuation of $45bn, which surpassed the $40bn value of taxi booking app Uber. It has quickly risen to the ranks of the world’s biggest smartphone makers, behind Samsung and Apple in sales.

The company is also set to unveil a new flagship device in January. Xiaomi’s investors include private funds All-Stars Investment, DST Global, Hopu Investment Management, Yunfeng Capital, and Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC, said co-founder and president Bin Lin in a Facebook post.

Xiaomi’s strategy of producing cheap smartphones has developed rapidly to overtake giant Samsung this year in sales in the world’s second largest economy China.

The company’s worth is now more than quadruple the $10bn valuation it received during its last financing round last year. Its skyrocketing valuation comes despite the intellectual property challenges it faced earlier this month in India, where sales were temporarily stopped after Swedish firm Ericsson filed a patent complaint.

The Beijing-based company has set a target of selling 60 million smartphones this year, up from less than 20 million in 2013.

1.When was Xiaomi the world’s most valuable technology start-up?

A In 2008.

B In 2006.

C In 2014.

D 2012

解析:选C。C 判断推理题。小米公司于2010年成立,4年后成为最有价值科技初创公司,根据第1段…just four years after it was founded in 2010.可知,故选C。

2.What is the valuation of Xiaomi now?

A $1.1 bn.

B $40 bn.

C $10 bn.

D $45 bn.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第2段第1句The firm raised $1.1bn (£708m) in its latest round of funding, giving it a valuation of $45bn, which surpassed the $40bn value of taxi booking app Uber.可知,故选D。

3.What does Xiaomi plan to do in January in 2015?

A Have another round of funding.

B Unveil a new flagship device.

C Sell 60 million smartphones.

D Overtake giant Samsung.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第3段第1句The company is also set to unveil a new flagship device in January.可知,故选B。

4.How do you translate “intellectual property” in Chinese?

A 知识产权

B 知识分子财产

C 地产知识

D 智力财产

解析:选A。A 语义推测题。根据第5段内容小米手机在印度因知识产权问题而暂停销售可知,故选A。

5.What does Xiaomi mainly produce?

A TV sets.

B Smartphones.

C Cars.

D Food.

解析:选B。B 常识题。小米公司在我国主营小米品牌的智能手机。故选B。