
I don’t remember my camping experience with my family as a kid. But I do remember my first camping trip as an adult. It was terrible. Ten years passed. I learned many lessons the hard way. Now I am an experienced camper. I want to share my experiences with beginners.

For beginner campers, choosing a popular camping place which is close to home is the most important thing. And it’s better to choose a camping place with bathrooms. And you will feel more comfortable when you set up your tent near other campers. What’s more, if there is an information center, it will be more convenient.

When you consider what to wear, you need to check the weather and the season. You also need to think about how long you will be camping and what you plan to do, such as go boating or hiking. It’s always smart to take several clothes, especially when camping in the mountains. The temperatures there can change frequently.  

About what to eat, though I have many tools for cooking, most of the time, I do everything possible to get away from cooking while camping. I always pack foods that are ready-to-eat or foods that I can prepare at home to take with me, like salad. That means less time cooking and I can pack fewer things and do not have as much to clean up.

To stop unwanted dangerous situations from happening, like wildfires and bear attacks. What should we keep in mind?

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1.How does the writer start the passage?

A By telling an example.

B By making a report.

C By giving an opinion.

D By asking a question.


2.When choosing a camping place, beginners should pay more attention to _______.

A the location

B the environment

C the food and tent

D the information center

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“close to home is the most important thing”可知,露营地最重要的是要离家近。故选A。

3.What does the writer suggest we take?

A Beautiful dresses.

B Long clothes.

C Only T-shirts.

D Several clothes.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段“It’s always smart to take several clothes”可知,作者建议多带点衣服。故选D。

4.Which of the following food will the writer most probably take while camping?

A Noodles.

B Chicken.

C Hamburgers.

D Green beans.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段关键词句“I do everything possible to get away from cooking while camping”“foods that are ready-to-eat”可知,作者最喜欢方便的食物,最不想在露营的时候做饭。结合选项可知,汉堡最方便。故选C。

5.What might the writer talk about next?

A Types of camping.

B How to clean up.

C Rules for camping safely.

D What to take.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“stop unwanted dangerous situations from happening”可知,最后一段准备讲的是如何避免危险情况。由此可知,接下来最有可能说到一些安全准则。故选C。