
Though I don’t recall much from the one and only time my family went camping when I was a kid, I remember clear my first camping trip as an adult. It was terrible. Fast forward 10 years, and I’m now a self-described camping enthusiast. Because I learned many lessons the hard way, I’m eager to share my tips for camping for beginners to encourage and support newbies. And there is a lot for you!

For beginning campers, sticking close to home at a popular campsite with more facilities, such as bathrooms, barbecues and trash containers, is your best bet. Chances are you’ll feel most comfortable setting up your tent near other campers and at a location with an on-site director. Speaking of which, if you stay at a campground with an information center or reservation office, book a campsite near the main building for added security — and hands-on advice.

Your clothing checklist depends on the season, how long you’ll be camping and which activities, such as go boating or hiking, you have planned. It’s always smart to pack layers, especially when camping in the mountains, where temperatures can fluctuate throughout the day.

About what to eat, though I own virtually every item of camp cookware imaginable, I’ll admit that nine times out of ten, I do everything possible to avoid cooking at the campsite. While I like camp-fired pizza, bread, burgers and other classic camp food, I enjoy those foods a lot more when other people cook them. When left to my own devices, I pack foods that are ready-to-eat or foods I can prepare at home to take with me, like salad. Not only does this mean less time cooking at the campsite, but I can pack fewer items and don’t have as much to clean up.

When we get to the camping site, what can we do? Personally, there’s nothing I enjoy more than reading while camping, so I always pack a good book and a headlamp so I can read as late (or early) as I want. For others, camping is an opportunity to spend electronic-free quality time with friends and family while playing camping games.

To prevent unwanted potentially dangerous situations like wildfires and bear attacks, avoid rude camping habits like leaving food and fires unattended. What should we keep in mind?

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1.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A Choosing a campsite.

B Camping essentials.

C What to wear.

D How to have fun.

解析:选A。A段落大意题。根据第二段关键词句“a popular campsite”“at a location”“a campground with an information center or reservation office”可知该段主要讲的是如何选择露营地。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “fluctuate” most probably mean?

A Become very cold.

B Change frequently.

C Be poorly managed.

D Be out of expectation.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线单词前文“pack layers”“in the mountains”可知,作者建议最好是多带几层衣服,结合常识在山里,一天中的温差较大可推知,fluctuate的意思为“波动,起伏不定”。故选B。

3.What might the author seek when preparing for camping?

A Settlement and efficiency.

B Variety and creation.

C Quietness and convenience.

D Affection and comfort.


4.What does the passage may talk about next?

A Types of camping

B Rules for cleaning up.

C How to prepare for emergencies.

D Best places to camp.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段“prevent unwanted potentially dangerous situations”可知,接下来可能会接着谈论一些关于安全的建议。故选C。