
English Reading Program

Break down language barriers!

Embrace a new world of English!

Want to master English easily? Want to stay up-to-date with the latest news? Join our English Reading Program, and learning English will no longer be a challenge!

What Can You Get?

50 Live Stream Sessions: Presented by experienced English teachers; in-depth analysis of latest current events — help you gain insight into global news!

12-Month Qisu Monthly English Articles: A professional editing team selects the most valuable articles for you — double your effort!

20,000 Articles For Extensive Reading: a vast library of 20,000 diverse articles for unlimited reading!

Advantages Of Our Program

Daily Updates: Stay informed about current events at your fingertips; receive a continuous flow of fresh information; keep the pace with the times!

Authoritative and Reliable: Sourced from authoritative newspapers and websites — provide you with authentic materials and real news.

   △   : Access to individualized learning plans based on your language proficiency and interests — make your efforts twice as effective!

Combination of Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading: Live stream sessions for intensive reading; Qisu Monthly English Articles for extensive reading; mastery of necessary reading skills — help you learn and master English.  

Comprehensive Improvement in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing: Say goodbye to dullness — make your English learning enjoyable and motivating!

Targeted and Personalized Push Notifications: Based on your weakness, it provides personalized and accurate push notifications of similar exercises—enable you to learn from mistakes and draw connections to similar problems.

A Seamless (无缝的) Connection Between Online and Offline Learning: You can start your learning anywhere, anytime, and make it a part of your life!

Come and join our English Reading Program, find WeChat Mini Program “英语时文阅读” and just do it!

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有  侵权必究! 每日更新  个性化阅读  英语飙升!分享奇速时文小程序加客服可领取99元单词速记软件!

1.Who can help you get twice the result with half the effort?

A Experienced teachers.

B Professional editors.

C Hardworking partners.

D Supportive family.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一部分“What Can You Get?”的“12-Month Qisu Monthly English Articles: A professional editing team selects the most valuable articles for you — double your effort!”可知,专业编辑团队为你挑选最有价值的文章,可以让你事半功倍!故选B。

2.Which of the following can be put back into the △ ?

A Set Goals, Plan, and Do a Lot of Action

B Vast Quantities of Information

C Personalized Customization

D Practice Makes Perfect

解析:选C。C主旨大意题。根据划线部分后文内容,尤其是关键词句“individualized learning plans”“language proficiency and interests”可知,会根据你的英语水平和兴趣爱好,量身打造英语学习计划,属于个性化定制。故选C。

3.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the benefits of joining the program?

A Abundant reading materials.

B Timely updates.

C Convenience and reliability.

D Improved translation skills.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二部分“Advantages Of Our Program”的“Comprehensive Improvement in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing”可知,听说读写可全方位提升,并未提及提升翻译能力。故选D。

4.Which can help you gain wisdom from errors?

A 50 Live Stream Sessions.

B Qisu Monthly English Articles.

C Targeted and Personalized Push Notifications.

D Combination of Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据“Targeted and Personalized Push Notifications”后的“enable you to learn from mistakes”可知,个性化(错题)推送可以让你从错误中学习。故选C。