
Be ready to act quickly. Don’t take any chances. Floods and flash floods can happen quickly and without warning. Be prepared to evacuate and keep your emergency supplies close. Leave mobile phones on and charged so you can receive messages about emergencies. Listen to the radio for updates, and check the websites. Listen to emergency services and follow any instructions regarding evacuation of your area. Get your home or business ready:

If you have been evacuated, it may not be safe to return home even when the floodwaters have gone away. Listen to emergency services and don’t return home until they tell you it is safe to do so.

Never try to walk, swim, drive through or play in flood water. Many flood deaths are caused by people attempting to drive through water, or people playing in high water. Slow-flowing, deep water or fast-flowing, shallow water, can unbalance people and sweep them away. Even water just 15 centimetres deep can sweep you off your feet. Keep children away from flood waters. It is not safe for them. Do not put yourself at risk to take photos or videos of the flood. Always assume that all flood water is contaminated with farm run-off, animal and human sewage (污物) and chemicals. Flood water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines. If you come in contact with floodwater, thoroughly clean hands, clothes and any property touched.

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1.What’s the primary principle in reacting to floods?

A Run away as quickly as you can.

B Face difficulty directly.

C Help those in need of assistance.

D Put safety first.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段的“Be ready to act quickly. Don’t take any chances. Floods and flash floods can happen quickly and without warning.”可知,暴雨洪灾来袭时往往毫无征兆,我们需要快速反应,不能抱有任何侥幸心理。由此可推知,最重要的是安全第一。故选D。

2.What to do to prepare your home for a flood?

A To move away outdoor furniture.

B To take photos of valuable items.

C To keep water away with sand.

D To move cars to the backyard.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段要点部分“Secure outdoor possessions that can be swept away in floodwaters.”可知,需要把户外会被洪水冲走的家具放到安全位置。故选A。

3.What’s the subtitle of the last paragraph?

A If flooding is possible in your area

B Protecting pets and other animals

C Stay out of flood water

D If you are driving

解析:选C。C段落大意题。根据第三段关键词句,尤其是第一句“Never try to walk, swim, drive through or play in flood water.”可知,该段主要讲的是暴雨洪灾来袭时,我们要远离洪水。故选C。

4.What is the right thing to do during a flood?

A Trying to dive in the flood water.

B Keeping an eye on your children.

C Making videos of the flood.

D Cleaning your belongings after a flood.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第三段的“Keep children away from flood waters.”可知,当暴雨洪灾来袭时,一定要照看好小孩。故选B。