
Dave Moran and Ray Smythe are from Australia. They are both medical workers. Recently, the two helped an old lady to realize her last dream.

Mavis was 85 years old. Dave Moran and Ray Smythe picked up Mavis from her home. They planned to drop her straight off at a palliative care unit (安宁病房).

But when she started talking about meeting her husband of 65 years at the beach and how it was “the happiest moment of her life”, they decided to take a longer road. “She mentioned her and Ron had met on Clovelly Beach, and Dave said ‘do you want to go to the beach?’,” Ray said.

So, Dave and Ray drove to Flynns Beach in Port Macquarie where they pulled the stretcher (担架) out and the three sat watching the ocean. They stayed at the beach for about half an hour before heading to the palliative care unit.

“She held my hand in the car and kept thanking us. We really liked her,” Ray said. Mavis passed away the next day. “That was a shock to us,” Ray said. “But she told us in the car she was ready to go.”

Dave Moran and Ray Smythe said it was a “humbling (震撼人心的) experience” to have given Mavis the peaceful send-off she wanted. “Her last journey was a lovely one. She could enjoy the whales, the breeze and the water,” Dave said.

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1.How old was Mavis when she got married?

A 18.

B 20.

C 22.

D 25.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第三段第一句的“But when she started talking about meeting her husband of 65 years at the beach”可知,梅维斯85岁,和她的丈夫结婚65年了,因此她结婚时20岁。故选B。

2.How did Dave and Ray send Mavis to Flynns Beach?

A By bus.

B By taxi.

C By car.

D By subway.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“So, Dave and Ray drove to Flynns Beach in Port Macquarie where they pulled the stretcher out and the three sat watching the ocean.”可知,他们开车去了弗林斯海滩。故选C。

3.How long did they stay at the beach?

A For an hour and a half.

B For about an hour.

C For about 30 minutes.

D For about 20 minutes.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句的“They stayed at the beach for about half an hour ”可知,他们在海滩待了半个小时。故选C。

4.How did the two feel about Mavis’ death?

A Excited.

B Sad.

C Angry.

D Shocked.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第五段的“That was a shock to us”可知,他们感到很震惊。故选D。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a newspaper.

B In a notice.

C In an invitation.

D In a cookbook.
