
Minor Heat, or Xiaoshu, begins on July 7 this year and ends on July 22. Minor Heat means the hottest period is coming but the extreme hot point has yet to arrive. The following are some things you need to know about Minor Heat.

A season for the lotus (荷花) flower

In Minor Heat, high temperatures are good for the growth of the lotus flower. From Minor Heat to the Double Ninth Festival, the lotus flower is in full bloom, and always simple but beautiful.

Firefly (萤火虫) season

Minor Heat is the season when fireflies become lively. Zhu Shuzhen, a woman of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), once described in her famous poem Summer Fireflies a happy scene of children playing with fireflies in the woods at night.

Eating small melons (瓜)

Minor Heat comes when all kinds of melons are being harvested. One custom in Nanjing, Jiangsu province has to do with enjoying small melons on the day of Minor Heat and having big melons on the day of Major Heat.

Eating dumplings

Dumplings are the traditional and household food among Chinese. When the “dog day” comes, people may not want to eat, and dumplings can refresh people’s feelings toward food.


1.How long does Minor Heat last?

A For 6 days.

B For 7 days.

C For 16 days.

D For 22 days.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段第一句“Minor Heat, or Xiaoshu, begins on July 7 this year and ends on July 22.”可知,今年小暑在公历7月7日开始,至7月22日结束,共计16天。故选C。

2.Which of the following is good for the lotus flower?

A Low temperatures.

B Rain.

C Fireflies.

D Hot weather.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“high temperatures are good for the growth of the lotus flower”可知,高温有利于荷花的生长。故选D。

3.How does the writer describe fireflies?

A By answering some questions.

B By showing some numbers.

C By writing a story.

D By describing a scene of a poem.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“once described in her famous poem Summer Fireflies a happy scene of children playing with fireflies in the woods at night”可知,本段通过南宋才女朱淑真在《夏萤》中描写的场景,向我们介绍了小暑是萤火虫活跃的季节。故选D。

4.Which food can improve people’s desire for food on the “dog day”?

A Dumplings.

B Cola.

C Melons.

D Noodles.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一句的“dumplings can refresh people’s feelings toward food”可知,当三伏天(dog day)到来的时候,人们往往会失去食欲,吃饺子则利于振食欲。故选A。

5.In which part of the newspaper can we read the passage?

A Sports.

B Culture.

C Health.

D People.
