
There’s nothing that will stop you in your tracks — literally — as fast as an uncomfortable shoe. When traveling, be it in the mountains, the beach, villages, or cities, our feet are the things that keep us moving. It makes a lot of sense to find the shoe that not only fits, but feels good, looks good, ages good and — if we can help it — does good.

But where to start? Dr. Christina Rowe-Bauer says that fit and comfort should be top priorities. In practice, this means buying your new shoes well in advance of any planned trips. “Don’t just go away and start wearing your new shoes because they might irritate your feet,” says Rowe-Bauer. “Buy them early and break them in.” Even if they’re the most comfortable sneakers ever, they still can take some getting used to. 

But fit and comfort are fairly general terms and can easily differ from person to person. “Everybody and everybody are different,” says Rowe-Bauer, “so it’s helpful to start your search with things you know about yourself — like if you have high arches (足弓) or flat feet, Baidu those terms along with whatever else you’re looking for.”

Rowe-Bauer says that you generally only need three pairs of shoes for most trips: a beach or warm weather shoe, a sneaker and a dress shoe. And while you do understand that style is important, especially while traveling, arch support is probably the most important aspect of a good walking shoe. “A shoe that is strong and not too flexible that has good arch support that’s long enough and wide enough for the foot is going to be the best choice,” she says.

Our favorite travel walking shoes include a variety of features perfect for most getaways, with aspects like comfortable insoles (鞋垫); durable — and sometimes sustainable — materials; foot-, heel- and ankle-support technology; and styles for different occasions, climates and activities.


1.How does the author lead into the topic?

A By presenting some facts.

B By listing some evidence.

C By comparing different views.

D By stating his/her own experiences.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第一段的“There’s nothing that will stop you in your tracks — literally — as fast as an uncomfortable shoe”“our feet are the things that keep us moving”等可知,作者通过摆出不舒服的鞋子最可能让我们停下脚步、脚是让我们支撑我们前进的动力等事实来引出本文的话题。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “irritate” probably mean?

A Inspect.

B Discomfort.

C Check.

D Exercise.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据第二段划线部分后文的“Buy them early and break them in.”“they still can take some getting used to”可知,即使是最舒服的新鞋子,也需要时间适应我们的脚,所以需要提前购买,提前适应,不然脚可能会感到不舒服。故选B。

3.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A Finding your own style.

B Meeting the basic demand.

C Choosing a famous brand.

D Considering special situation.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据第三段第一句“But fit and comfort are fairly general terms and can easily differ from person to person.”可知,合适度和舒适度因人而异,我们需要首先了解自己的特殊情况,然后寻找相应的解决方法。故选D。

4.What makes a good pair of shoes?

A Fashionable style.

B Comfortable materials.

C Good arch support.

D Much flexibility.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句的“A shoe that is strong and not too flexible that has good arch support that’s long enough and wide enough for the foot is going to be the best choice”可知,最好的鞋子是结实的、不太柔软的、足弓支撑良好、鞋子够长够宽。故选C。