
A New Zealand woman who had a small chicken bone lodged (卡住) in her throat claims that she was prescribed (开处方) an interesting medicine by an emergency room doctor — lots of Coke.

Beth Brash recently sat down with New Zealand magazine Stuff to tell the unusual story of how she managed to get rid of the chicken bone stuck in her throat. It all started when she visited her favorite Wellington restaurant and tried their new chicken dish. To be fair, the staff there asked if she was “alright with bones”, and having visited multiple countries where serving meat on the bone was considered normal, she wasn’t put off by it. Unfortunately, while eating the spicy dish, the young woman started experiencing a kind of tickling (难受) in her throat, which turned out to be a small piece of chicken bone.

Brash decided not to make a scene in the restaurant and even fought through the pain the entire weekend, assuming it would eventually go away. It didn’t, so she went to the emergency room as the first thing on Monday morning. She was informed that she did in fact have a small piece of chicken bone lodged in her throat, but the ENT [Ear, Nose and Throat] specialist told her that it wasn’t a cause for concern.

The spicy chicken fan was less worried when she learned that her situation wasn’t serious, but she still expected to have the bone removed. The ENT department simply advised her to drink four cans of sugary Coca-Cola to dissolve (溶解) the piece of bone. She was surprised, but she went to the supermarket and bought four Cokes. To her surprise, she started feeling better the next morning, and by the following day, she was already back to normal.


1.Where was Beth Brash when the chicken bone lodged in her throat?

A In her home.

B In a restaurant.

C In the emergency room.

D In the magazine company.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“It all started when she visited her favorite Wellington restaurant and tried their new chicken dish”可知,Beth Brash在享用一家惠灵顿餐厅的新款鸡肉菜肴时,喉咙上卡住了一根小小的鸡骨头。故选B。

2.What might the ENT specialist say to Beth Brash?

A Don’t mention it.

B Mind your steps.

C What a pity.

D Don’t worry.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句的“but the ENT [Ear, Nose and Throat] specialist told her that it wasn’t a cause for concern.”可知,她的喉咙里确实卡了一小块鸡骨头,但耳鼻喉科专家告诉她,这不值得担心。即医生叫她不要担心。故选D。

3.How did Beth Brash feel about the ENT specialist’s words?

A Embarrassed.

B Disappointed.

C Shocked.

D Uncertain.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段第三句的“She was surprised”可知,耳鼻喉科专家提出了一种匪夷所思的治疗方案:喝四罐可乐!Beth Brash虽然感到有些诧异,但还是毫不犹豫地买了四罐可乐回家。故选C。

4.What is the text?

A An advertisement.

B A news report.

C A research report.

D A notice.
