玩具公司送小男孩一箱玩具雕像 背后原因令人感动
玩具公司送小男孩一箱玩具雕像 背后原因令人感动

Niki Coffman is 38 years old. She couldn’t have kids because of her health condition. So she adopted (收养) a boy, Archer.

As a white mom with a black son, Niki wants her son to know how important it would be for him to make sure that he could see himself. She wanted to buy a toy that let Archer know that. Fisher-Price caught the mom’s attention with their “Little People” collection. However, she still couldn’t find a figure that looked like her son. So she wrote to Fisher-Price, first thanked them for the work they were doing and then left a P.S. that said something like: “If you ever decided to make a Little Person with brown skin and red hair, please let us know.”

Gary Weber, the Vice President of Design, reached out to her with a special message. “Your story has been shared with everyone who worked on the Little People figures,” he wrote. “You and Archer have encouraged us! We know that when kids play with Little People they are playing out scenarios (场景) they see in the world around them, and feeling like they are a part of that world is important.” Next, the company sent Niki and her son an amazing gift. A box full of Little People figures that looked like Archer turned up at their door!

Archer was excited after seeing the gift. “I got an Archer Army,” he said.


1.Why did Niki adopt a kid?

A Because she didn’t want to get married.

B Because she often felt lonely in her life.

C Because she thought giving birth was terrible.

D Because she was too unhealthy to give birth.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“She couldn’t have kids because of her health condition.”可知,38岁的妮基·科夫曼因身体状况不好无法生育。故选D。

2.What did Niki want to show Archer?

A The world is very beautiful.

B He can love the world as he likes.

C He is also part of the world.

D His birth mother also loves him.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段第一句的“Niki wants her son to know how important it would be for him to make sure that he could see himself.”和第三段倒数第三句的“feeling like they are a part of that world is important”可知,这位妈妈希望他能看到自己,感觉自己是这个世界的一部分。故选C。

3.Which word can best describe Gary Weber?

A Kind-hearted.

B Creative.

C Well-behaved. 

D Careless.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“A box full of Little People figures that looked like Archer turned up at their door!”可知,玩具公司送给Niki和她的儿子一份令人难以置信的礼物:一个装满小人雕像的盒子出现在他们家门口,这些雕像看起来和阿彻一模一样!由此可知他很善良。故选A。

4.How did Archer feel about the gift?

A Happy.

B Sad.

C Angry.

D Shocked.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Archer was excited after seeing the gift.”可知,他看到礼物后很兴奋。故选A。

5.What is the text?

A A letter.

B A news report.

C A research report.

D A notice.
