
There is no wrong way to eat a watermelon, but the slicing can be tailored to suit your needs and desires. If you’re enjoying the watermelon by yourself, go ahead and slice it in half to create a “bowl”, then scoop out the insides with a spoon. But if you’re feeding a crowd — particularly a young crowd — consider the baton method.

This serving suggestion isn’t exactly new, but it’s worth bringing up now, at the start of summer, just as watermelon cravings are peaking. Cutting the watermelon into neat sticks allows little hands to grab and eat them with ease, and without getting sticky watermelon juice all over little faces (or everything else).

You can watch the editor-in-chief of Cook’s Illustrated, Dan Souza, demonstrate the method in the video above, but all you’ll need to do it yourself is a knife—preferably a serrated (有锯齿的) one. Cook’s Illustrated found that a serrated knife works even better than a chef’s knife, because, “its long blade (刀片) can cut through a watermelon in one go and its pointy teeth grip the thick, slippery outer skin, helping to hold the watermelon steady.” 

Start by washing the outside of the watermelon to make sure you’re not dragging any harmful bacteria on the surface of the skin into the flesh. Slice the watermelon in half through the middle while holding the watermelon steady with another hand.

Place one half cut side down on a cutting board and make 1.5-inch slices along the length of the watermelon half. Rotate the watermelon 90 degrees and repeat, again making 1.5-inch slices along the width of the watermelon to form batons.

Grab a baton by the skin and pull it up and away from the rest of the watermelon, then enjoy!


1.What’s the advantage of the baton method?

A Time-saving.

B Convenient to eat.

C Labor-saving.

D Easy to share.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“allows little hands to grab and eat them with ease”“without getting sticky watermelon juice all over little faces”可知,这种切西瓜的方法可以让我们用手轻松抓着吃,且不会把黏糊糊的西瓜汁弄得满脸都是。故选B。

2.Why does the author recommend a serrated knife?

A To keep the balance.

B To protect the fruit skin.

C To make the cut prettier.

D To create a special shape.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“helping to hold the watermelon steady”可知,有锯齿的刀可以帮助卡住又厚又滑的西瓜皮,保持西瓜稳定。故选A。

3.What’s the possible shape of the watermelon pieces in the end?

A Triangle.

B Round.

C Square.

D Stick.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,本文说的切西瓜的方法是先把西瓜对半切开, 将西瓜橫切面朝下放,然后纵向切段,距离约1.5英寸,再把西瓜旋转90度,以同样的距离橫向切段。由此可知,这样切出来的西瓜呈条状。故选D。

4.Where does the passage probably come from?

A A magazine.

B A textbook.

C A website.

D A newspaper.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段的“You can watch the editor-in-chief of Cook’s Illustrated, Dan Souza, demonstrate the method in the video above”可推知,本文最可能来自网站。故选C。