
Everybody dreams, but different cultures have different theories about what dreams are and how they should be interpreted. We are often surprised by strange and confusing dreams. What do they mean? This is what Chinese people think based on “Zhou Duke Interprets Dreams” (周公解梦Zhou Gong Jie Meng).

Animal Dream Meanings:

Rats live in the dark, and they mostly come out at night. Dreaming of a rat indicates that you can be secretly hurt by others or they will damage your interests. Alternatively, it means that the dark side of our heart appears. At this point, we must actively reflect on ourselves and adjust if we have been too negatively influenced recently.

Dreaming of spiders: Dreaming of spiders means that by being energetic and careful in your work your income will grow satisfactorily. Dreaming of spiders weaving (织) webs implies that you have to work hard to be successful.

Dreaming of cockroaches (蟑螂): It means that there is someone around you who you hate, and you are trying to get rid of him/her, but there is nothing you can do. You should turn to your friends to help you find a solution, otherwise it will get more serious.

People Dream Meanings:

Dreaming of babies: Dreaming of a baby, on the one hand, can indicate your own purity (纯粹) and that you’re on the non-social side, or it can imply your own fragility (脆弱) and desire to be loved. On the other hand, it could indicate your personal progress, for example, you will move on in your life, you will get new opportunities and good luck, your previous hard work will be rewarded, and a new stage of life will begin.

Dreaming of the dead: Do not be afraid if you dream of death. It is not necessarily a bad thing. Dreaming of a dead person could mean that you want to forget some unhappy past events and are ready to welcome a new life. Death symbolizes the moving on, overcoming, etc.


1.What do you need to do when dreaming of a rat?

A Be careful and energetic.

B Play with cats.

C Work hard.

D Change ourselves.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“At this point, we must actively reflect on ourselves and adjust if we have been too negatively influenced recently.”可知,当我们梦见了老鼠,可能表明我们最近受到了太负面的影响,我们必须积极反思自己并进行调整。故选D。

2.You need to be diligent (勤奋的) when you dream of __________.

A cockroaches

B spiders

C babies

D the dead

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Dreaming of spiders weaving webs implies that you have to work hard to be successful”可知,梦见蜘蛛结网意味着你必须努力工作才能成功。故选B。

3.Dreams of __________ means the coming of new life.

A rats and spiders

B babies and the dead

C rats and the dead

D cockroaches and the dead

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“you will get new opportunities and good luck, your previous hard work will be rewarded, and a new stage of life will begin”可知,梦见婴儿,它可能表明你个人的进步,即你将在生活中继续前进,你将获得新的机会和好运,你以前的努力将得到回报,生活的新阶段将开始;根据倒数第一段的“Dreaming of a dead person could mean that you want to forget some unhappy past events and are ready to welcome a new life.”可知,梦见一个死去的人可能意味着你想忘记一些不愉快的过去,并准备走出沮丧,迎接新的生活。故选B。

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Hiking Tours.

B Fun Activities.

C Chinese Culture.

D Asian Traditions.
