男子脑内长肿瘤 23岁的年龄13岁的模样
男子脑内长肿瘤 23岁的年龄13岁的模样

23-year-old Luiz Augusto Márcio Marques stopped growing after undergoing a surgical (外科手术的) procedure to remove a very rare tumor. Today he looks like a 13-year-old boy.

Luiz in Southern Brazil had a perfectly normal life until the age of 7, when he started experiencing painful headaches that began appearing more frequently as time passed. None of the doctors could diagnose (诊断) his condition correctly, and the headaches started affecting his school activity and his daily life. It was only after the boy suffered a seizure that he was taken to the city hospital where the real cause of his headaches was finally revealed.

Doctors told the boy’s aunt that they would have to operate (动手术) on him to remove part of the tumor, or he would die in a matter of days. However, the surgery itself could cause many risks, as the tumor’s location meant that Luiz could lose his ability to walk, talk, or move his eyes and his growth could be affected. In the end, his family decided to take the risk and save the boy’s life.

After the operation, Guto was placed in a glass room where he was monitored around the clock because the doctors wanted to see if he would suffer any seizures or display any unusual symptoms (症状). Luckily, he recovered perfectly, but after performing a series of tests, doctors delivered some grim news. He would most likely stop growing normally at some point. It could be within a year, two, or three, no one could tell for sure. He stopped growing around the time he turned 12, and today, at age 23, he still looks at least a decade younger.

Now 23-year-old Guto is 1.62m tall, weighs about 50kg, and looks no older than 13, but he no longer lets that affect him.


1.What can we know about Luiz according to Paragraph 2?

A Luiz performed well at school despite his illness.

B No one knew why Luiz had painful headaches.

C Luiz began to have a stomachache at the age of 7.

D Luiz’s illness affected his daily life.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“the headaches started affecting his school activity and his daily life”可知,头痛开始影响他的学校活动和日常生活。故选D。

2.What didn’t the surgery cause?

A Luiz couldn’t speak.

B Luiz couldn’t use his legs.

C Luiz couldn’t hear anything.

D Luiz didn’t grow well.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的“However, the surgery itself could cause many risks, as the tumor’s location meant that Luiz could lose his ability to walk, talk, or move his eyes and his growth could be affected.”可知,手术本身会带来许多风险,因为肿瘤的位置意味着路易斯可能会失去行走、说话或移动眼睛的能力,他的发育可能会受到影响。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “grim” mean?

A Unpleasant.

B Professional.

C Effective.

D Unusual.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“He would most likely stop growing normally at some point.”可知,在手术过程中,古托的垂体受到了影响,他很可能会在某个时候停止正常发育,因此在进行了一系列检查后,医生们传来了一些让人沮丧的消息。故选A。

4.What is Luiz’s attitude to life?

A Negative.

B Positive.

C Critical.

D Serious.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一句的“he no longer lets that affect him”可知,如今,23岁的古托身高1.62米,体重约50公斤,看起来不超过13岁,但他不再让这影响到他,由此可见他非常乐观地面对生活。故选B。