
On May 1st, 2023, a small Cessna 206 airplane suffered an engine failure and crashed deep in one of Colombia’s most remote and dangerous regions. Three adults, including the pilot, died in the crash, but the four children on board surprisingly survived. However, they were trapped in a jungle filled with dangerous snakes, spiders, and mosquitoes, with little supplies.

For 40 days, thousands of volunteers searched for the four children, and the hope of them being found alive kept millions of Colombians on the tip of their feet. With each passing day, their chances of being found and rescued dwindled. Adults would have a tough time surviving in such a terrible environment, but these were kids, the youngest of which hadn’t even turned one when the plane crashed. Still, hundreds of volunteers didn’t give up, searching the jungle thoroughly and launching supplies kits in an area of 323 square km. In the end, 40 days after the plane crash, a search party heard the cries of baby Cristin, who turned one during this experience, and found the four children in a clearing about 3 miles from the plane crash.

Although the four children were obviously shocked and didn’t speak much about their experience in the jungle, authorities are convinced that it was the bravery and survival knowledge of the eldest sister, thirteen-year-old Lesly Mukutuy, that kept them alive. Having learned a lot about the plants and the dangers of the jungle from their grandmother, she was able to identify fruits that can be eaten, find water sources and avoid dangerous animals during their 40-day adventure.

After being treated at a hospital in Bogota, the four siblings will be reunited with their relatives, including their grandparents. The tale of their survival will most likely become the subject of a Hollywood film in the near future.


1.How was the life in the Amazon jungle?

A Appealing.

B Encouraging.

C Amazing.

D Challenging.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句的“However, they were trapped in a jungle filled with dangerous snakes, spiders, and mosquitoes, with little supplies.”可知,他们被困在一个充满危险的蛇、蜘蛛和蚊子的丛林中,几乎没有补给,因此在这个丛林中生活是非常具有挑战性的。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “dwindled” mean?

A Decreased.

B Changed.

C Appeared.

D Continued.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线词后面一句“Adults would have a tough time surviving in such a terrible environment, but these were kids”可知,成年人在这种艰苦环境中都难以生存,何况这是四个幼小的孩子,由此可知,随着时间一天天过去,活着救出这四个孩子的几率逐渐“降低”。故选A。

3.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A How the rescuers found the children.

B Who taught the children survival skills.

C Why the four children could stay alive.

D What the girl thought of their adventure.

解析:选C。 C段落大意题。根据该段中的关键词句“kept them alive”“she was able to identify”等可知,本段主要描述了这四个孩子得以活下来的原因:大姐的勇敢和野外求生知识。故选C。

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A The four children are in their own home now.

B The four children will have to live on their own.

C A film about the four children’s adventure may be made.

D No one will be interested in the children’s tale of survival.
