
A traditional Chinese group tour is very different from a private China trip. It is important that you are aware of the differences, so that you can make an informed choice about what type of China tour would be the best for you.

1. Fixed Dates vs Individual Schedule

Group Tour

Chinese group tours always have a set date. With so many standard tours available for the main destinations in China, you should find one for every day of the year, so finding a group tour to fit your international flights shouldn’t be a problem.

Private Tour

On a private China tour you can depart and return on any day you wish, giving you the opportunity to take advantage of international flight deals, and choose the best fit with your life at home. You can also stay as long as you want, wherever you want.

2. Set Sights (and Shop Stops) vs Selected Experiences

Group Tour

Some group tours spend the minimum time on the advertised attractions, and the rest is spent busing and herding the group around shops. Even if you’d rather not make another time-wasting “shop stop”, you still have to endure people trying to sell you something.

Private Tour

You should never have to go to an attraction that you do not want to visit. None of your time should be wasted on undesirable experiences, so you can enjoy yourself and discover more about China.

3. Rushing/Waiting vs Your Own Pace

Group Tour

On a traditional group tour, much of your time will be wasted waiting around for the group to be ready, or being pushed to hurry up before you’re ready to move on.

Private Tour

On a private tour, you can 100% control the pace and timings, with no time wasted waiting for anybody else. Move on when you’re ready. Private tours are particularly suitable for families with young children and those who are used to doing things at their own pace, whether faster or slower than average.


1.In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to ____________.

A propose a definition

B bring up the topic

C reach a conclusion

D present an argument

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句的“It is important that you are aware of the differences, so that you can make an informed choice about what type of China tour would be the best for you.”以及后文介绍的自由行与跟团游的差异可知,该段主要引出话题。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “undesirable” mean?

A Unfortunate.

B Uncertain.

C Unusual.

D Unwanted.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据前面提到的一些旅行社因以利润为导向的行程而闻名,把最短的时间花在广告宣传的景点上,剩下的时间则花在纪念品商店上及划线部分后面的“so you can enjoy yourself and discover more about China.”可知,自由行中,你不用去你不想去的景点,更不用去景区商店购物。因此,你不会把时间浪费在你不想要的体验上。故选D。

3.According to the text, the private tour is ____________ than the group tour.

A cheaper

B less convenient

C safer

D more flexible

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段的“On a private China tour you can depart and return on any day you wish”,第五段的“You should never have to go to an attraction that you do not want to visit.”和最后一段的“On a private tour, you can 100% control the pace and timings”可知,自由行的行程比跟团游更灵活。故选D。

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Entertainment.

B Health.

C Travel.

D Business.
