
Not everyone believes in soulmates(灵魂伴侣), but Kelsey Poll’s story of how she met her future mother-in-law provides some evidence!

It all started when Kelsey’s mom, Stacy, was giving birth in a hospital at Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful, Utah. About to become a mom of three, she had some concerns going in. However, nurse Mary Ann West offered her some words of encouragement. “The nurse who was on duty said that it was going to be OK, and that she was a working mom of three kids,” recalled Stacy. She was very comforting, and Stacy was so grateful for that. Unfortunately, complications (并发症) arose while Stacy was in labor. Mary Ann discovered that the mom was suffering from an unusual condition which could have killed both mother and child. Thankfully, both survived.

Years later, Kelsey Poll met the love of her life while working at the bank. Before long, she and her partner, Tyler West, were planning their wedding and meeting each other’s families.

“When Mary Ann said she worked at Lakeview, I really wondered if she was the nurse who delivered Kelsey,” Stacy said. “She looked familiar, but I wasn’t sure if it was her, or not.” The moment of truth came when Tyler and Kelsey started looking through some old photos, they found something surprising. In one album were photos from the hospital when Kelsey was born — including a picture of the nurse that brought her into the world. Stacy said to her future son-in-law, “That looks like your mom. Is that your mom?” Next, they checked the signature (签名) on the birth certificate. It was Mary Ann’s handwriting. The two families were overjoyed when they discovered their connection, but Kelsey was especially pleased.

“It was one of those things that confirmed to me that Tyler was someone I wanted to be with for the rest of my life, and it also made me feel closer to his mom and his family,” she said.


1.How did Stacy feel when giving birth to her third baby?

A Tired.

B Disappointed.

C Excited.

D Nervous.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的“About to become a mom of three, she had some concerns going in.”可知,在即将成为三个孩子的母亲时,她很紧张。故选D。

2.What made the two families finally know their connection?

A Mary’s signature.

B A talk with Tyler.

C An album.

D Mary’s working place.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第二、三句“Next, they checked the signature on the birth certificate. It was Mary Ann’s handwriting.”可知,他们检查了凯尔西出生证明上的签名,发现是玛丽安的笔迹后,确认了玛丽安就是当时那个接生的护士。故选A。

3.What can we know from the passage?

A Kelsey and Mary work in the same place.

B Mary and Stacy kept in touch over the years.

C Tyler and Kelsey’s marriage is refused by their families.

D Kelsey was excited to know Mary delivered her.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句的“The two families were overjoyed when they discovered their connection, but Kelsey was especially pleased.”可知,当这两个家庭发现他们之间的联系时,他们欣喜若狂,凯尔西尤其高兴。故选D。

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Nurse Marries Her Daughter To Someone Who Had Helped Her.

B Mom Found Son-in-law’s Mom Saved Her And Her Daughter’s Life.

C Nurse Finds Her Lost Daughter In A Bank When Visiting Son.

D Mother Is Looking For A Nurse Who Had Helped Her.

解析:选B。 B主旨大意题。凯尔西出生时,她的妈妈经历了危险的情况,但是一名护士给了她们很大的帮助。后来凯尔西准备结婚了,她的妈妈发现挽救过她们生命的那位护士竟然是凯尔西未来的婆婆。因此B项“妈妈发现未来亲家母曾救了自己和女儿的命”符合文意。故选B。