给孩子安排了屏幕时间 父母是否该感到内疚
给孩子安排了屏幕时间 父母是否该感到内疚

Screen time is often vilified (诬蔑) in our parenting culture. Parents who let their kids have lots of time on tablets or in front of the TV are thought “lazy” or uninvolved. However, many parents do use screens to entertain kids while they make dinner or, take a shower. Some experts now say we should redefine how we use screen time to help reduce parental guilt and see if screen time can be a tool, rather than a villain (恶棍).


At the end of a long, stressful day, do you ever relax in front of the TV? You could be reading or doing chores, yes, but watching TV can calm you down. Kids feel the same way! Keep in mind the many ways screens provide education and skills to our kids. We no longer have to “watch what’s on”, but can help create a positive digital experience for our children.


Parents can use screens as a way to help the household run more smoothly both practically and emotionally. Currently, many households rely on one individual caregiver to keep the household running and to meet the children’s needs. I suggest using screens temporarily as a way to get things done around the house, which “allows that adult to focus only on the task at hand instead of being torn between dinner and their kids”.


Prevent too-much screen time to make it a practice and then set clear boundaries. Instead of coming down hard and telling your kid “no more screens” or saying no to screens, I suggest you say, “screens aren’t available right now” or something like “right now it’s homework time. TV will be available at 4:30.” If your child balks at this suggestion or doesn’t get the task done ahead of time, say, “‘TV time will start once homework is done’ so they learn that the natural consequence of delaying homework is the activities afterward will be truncated (缩减的)”.


1.Who does the writer write the passage for?

A Parents.

B Doctors.

C Students.

D Nurses.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第一段第一句的“Screen time is often vilified in our parenting culture.”,第一段最后一句“Some experts now say we should redefine how we use screen time to help reduce parental guilt”,第二段第四句“Keep in mind the many ways screens provide education and skills to our kids.”,和最后一段第二句“Instead of coming down hard and telling your kid “no more screens” or saying no to screens”可知,这篇文章是写给父母的。故选A。

2.What is the right order for #1, #2, and #3? ①Why screens are helpful for parents. ②Why screens are actually good for kids. ③How we set good boundaries with screens.

A ①②③

B ①③②

C ②①③

D ③①②


3.What does the underlined word “balks” mean?

A Accuses.

B Inputs.

C Seizes.

D Refuses.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“doesn’t get the task done ahead of time”可知,与其严厉地告诉孩子“不要再看屏幕了”或直接拒绝屏幕,建议你说:“屏幕现在不可用”或类似“现在是作业时间。电视将在4:30可用。”你的孩子可能会拒绝这个建议或没有提前完成任务。故选D。

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A How You Should Change The Way You Think About Screens.

B Screen Plays A Big Part In Our Daily Life At The Present Time.

C Giving Your Kid Time On Screens Might Causes You Trouble.

D Why You Should Stop Feeling Guilty About Your Kid’s Screen Time.

解析:选D。D主旨大意题。结合第一段的“Some experts now say we should redefine how we use screen time to help reduce parental guilt”可知,全文主要讲了为什么父母应该停止因允许孩子看电视而感到内疚。故选D。