儿子成医学院优秀学生代表 骄傲的父母挂广告牌庆祝
儿子成医学院优秀学生代表 骄傲的父母挂广告牌庆祝

Michelle and Roosevelt Boyland from Bellevue, Nebraska, came up with a great way to celebrate their son when he graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Since Dr. Ryan Boyland didn’t plan to make a big deal out of his success, his parents decided to step in.

Parents Michelle and Roosevelt Boyland are proud of their son for graduating from medical school. “I remember asking him about a party and I’m like, ‘We need to celebrate you,’ and him not wanting that. I’m like, ‘What? No,” said Michelle. “He said he hadn’t done anything. I’m like, ‘What! Yes, you have. You’ve done more than a lot of people.’”

Following that conversation, Ryan’s mom and dad rented a billboard (广告牌) in their neighborhood announcing his achievement. The billboard reads, “Congratulations Doctor Ryan Boyland” and includes his graduation year and the name of his school. In addition, it also displays a photo of the graduate. “His high school is right down the street. It’ll be 10 years this month for him since he graduated high school. I thought this would be the perfect spot for it,” explained Michelle.

In fact, the Boylands had two reasons for their very public graduation gift. Firstly, they wanted to congratulate their son. Secondly, they wanted to inspire others to follow in his footsteps. “Ryan was the second Black valedictorian of his high school. His brother was the first,” Roosevelt said. “This is a good spot to continue to motivate (激励) young people coming up to let them know that they can aspire to do great things.”

Similarly, Dr. Ryan Boyland said, “You can’t be what you can’t see. Hopefully, by providing an example for other people to motivate themselves to get into health care, and realize they can get into health care and be a doctor. I think that’s very important.”


1.What can we know about the billboard?

A Its price and location.

B Its location and content.

C Its content and price.

D Its quality and size.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三、四句可知,他的父母在附近租了一块广告牌,宣布他的成就,广告牌上写着“祝贺Ryan Boyland博士”,还有他的毕业年份和学校名称,此外,还展示了一张他的毕业照,他的高中就在广告牌所在的那条街上。故选B。

2.Why did the Boylands give the public graduation gift?

A To achieve his son’s wishes.

B To motivate other people.

C To show off Ryan’s success.

D To help their son find a job.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段第三句的“Secondly, they wanted to inspire others to follow in his footsteps.”和最后一句“This is a good spot to continue to motivate young people coming up to let them know that they can aspire to do great things.”可知,他的父母想激励其他人追随他的脚步,让他们知道自己也可以立志做大事。故选B。

3.What does Ryan think of a graduation party?

A He thinks it’s creative.

B He is opposed to it.

C He thinks it costs a lot.

D He supports the idea.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段第二句的“him not wanting that”可知,他妈妈问过他关于派对的事,他不想这样,因此他对此持反对态度。故选B。

4.What can we infer from Ryan’s words?

A Actions speak louder than words.

B Do one thing at a time, and do well.

C The power of example is endless.

D Winners do what losers don’t want to do.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段瑞安说的话,尤其是“You can’t be what you can’t see.”“providing an example”等可知,榜样的力量是无穷的。故选C。