
Friendship isn’t everyone’s cup of tea! If you’re a quiet person and want to know how to make friends, get some tips here!

Start small by making the first move.

If being alone for years has made you slip into a feeling of loneliness, don’t fall prey to the pressure of connecting with multiple people to make friends. Always start with small steps. Keep your circle limited initially, and begin interacting with one or two people to get comfortable in socializing. That ways your life won’t feel overcrowded and you’ll learn the basics of interaction.

Get along with people who match your vibe.

For someone who has spent years in his or her own company, finding people who “get” you feels like a far cry. As previously mentioned, interact with a few people first, get to know them, and try to find your common interests. Connect only with people you naturally resonate (产生共鸣) with and who also respond to your efforts. It might feel hard at first, but as you on, you’ll learn to catch someone’s vibe.

Remember quality over quantity.

Remember, it’s always about having two or three fulfilling friendships instead of having ten unstable relationships. The more we seek for quantity, the more exhausting our lives will become. Try to have friends who back you in times of thick and thin, the ones who will be your constant support.

Keep the positives in your heart and let go of any comparisons.

Even if you fail to find your true friend a million times, don’t ever give up. Always keep your previous positive experiences to keep moving forward in building your friendships. Also, never forget that every person is unique in his/her ways. So, avoid comparing one friend of yours to another. Acknowledge their differences and embrace them with full respect.


1.What does the underlined part “fall prey to” mean?

A Break away from.

B Feel troubled by.

C Pay attention to.

D Get used to.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据第二段划线部分后文“the pressure of connecting with multiple people to make friends”“begin interacting with one or two people”可知,如果你经历了多年的孤独,不要因为和很多人交朋友而“感到压力”,从小步骤开始,一开始可以和一到两个人交流。故选B。

2.What does the third paragraph focus on?

A Independent private life.

B Similar material condition.

C Shared hobbies.

D Spiritual communication.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据第三段关键词句“‘get’ you feels”“Connect only with people you naturally resonate (产生共鸣) with and who also respond to your efforts.”等可知,要和“懂你”的人、能和你产生共鸣、会对你的努力做出回应的人相处。由此可知,此段着重强调精神交流。故选D。

3.What can we know from the fourth paragraph?

A Quantity matters more than quality.

B A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C Between friends all is common.

D Life without a friend is death.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段关键词句“it’s always about having two or three fulfilling friendships”“Try to have friends who back you in times of thick and thin, the ones who will be your constant support.”可知质量重于数量,试着结交那些在逆境中支持你的朋友,那些会一直支持你的朋友。即“患难见真情”。故选B。

4.Why shouldn’t we compare one friend to another?

A Because everyone is one and only.

B Because friends make progress together.

C Because comparing is something impolite.

D Because respecting is the basic of communication.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段的“never forget that every person is unique in his/her ways”可知,每个人都是独一无二的,所以我们不能拿一个朋友和另一个朋友作比较。故选A。