
It's 2023 now. Lynley Hood is 80 years old. She is a writer. One night, 12 years ago, she was reading a book. A few minutes later, she couldn’t see clearly. She thought she was too tired, so she went to bed. The next morning, she still couldn’t use her eyes well. She went to the hospital. The doctor said she had glaucoma (青光眼). After that, she couldn’t read or write.

In 2020, Lynley Hood fell. She was hurt. To fight with the hurt, she took part in electrical stimulation sessions (电刺激疗程). After four weeks of electrical stimulation, she found she could see the world.

Now she can see again. She goes back to writing. 


1.What does Lynley Hood do?

A She is a writer.

B She is a teacher.

C She is a doctor.

D She is a driver.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“She is a writer.”可知,她是一个作家。故选A。

2.When couldn’t Lynley Hood use her eyes?

A In 2021.

B In 2012.

C In 2011.

D In 2022.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段的“One night, 12 years ago, she was reading a book. A few minutes later, she couldn’t see clearly. ”可知,12年前(2023-12=2011年),她忽然看不见了。故选C。

3.Why did Lynley Hood try electrical stimulation?

A Because she thought it funny.

B Because her son asked her to try.

C Because she was hurt after a fall.

D Because she wanted to study it.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段前三句的“In 2020, Lynley Hood fell. She was hurt. To fight with the hurt...”可知,2020年她因摔倒受伤了,因此她参加了电刺激疗程来疗伤。故选C。

4.How long did the electrical stimulation last?

A For a week.

B For a month.

C For four days.

D For four months.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“After four weeks of electrical stimulation”可知,该电刺激疗程持续了四周,即一个月。故选B。

5.Can Lynley Hood use her eyes now?

A No, she doesn’t.

B Yes, she does.

C No, she can’t.

D Yes, she can.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Now she can see again.”可知,现在她可以看见了。故选D。