

As the lion prowls on the roof of the safari vehicle, his pale pink tongue licking out from his jaws, delighted passengers snap pictures and reach out to touch him. This apparent violation of the number-one rule at most zoos —don’t pet the animals— is encouraged at Parque Safari in Chile, a place for mistreated circus animals that turns the traditional zoo-going experience on its head.

The zoo puts visitors in caged vehicles and drives them around the park where the lions walk freely. “It’s a very strange feeling, to be so close to them, only a few centimeters away,” said visitor Carolina Gonzales Baeza. “I think it makes you understand what it’s like to be caged for animals, they must feel like us, frightened to be locked in without being able to get out.”

The zoo takes in lions, bears, monkeys and elephants from circuses where they have been abused. The Chilean authorities have rescued these animals and the park have brought them here because they can’t be freed—they have lost the ability to hunt and survive. Other rescued animals are too fragile to walk freely and are kept in cages. In one cage, two female bears sway from side to side as they walk, a movement they developed in the circus that used to place them atop a hot metal sheet, burning their paws and making them “dance”.

The safari drives are the main attraction at the zoo, which gets more than 1,000 visitors a day. Visitors can take a small train through fields full of sheep, horses and zebras. The star of the show is a giraffe that likes to stop by and greet the visitors, bending down to accept the tasty green leaves they hold out to her. The zoo plans to take in white and Bengal tigers in the near future to help them reproduce and to open another safari drive with tigers.


1.What is the number-one rule at most zoos?

A Don't touch the animals.

B Stop the lions from prowling.

C Prevent the vehicles entering.

D Allow visitors to touch animals.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第1段第2句This apparent violation of the number-one rule at most zoos – don’t pet the animals可以推知大多数动物园的第一条规则就是禁止抚摸动物,即A项。

2.When visitors are in caged vehicles, they can ______.

A drive to the places they like

B sense how caged animals feel

C go out whenever they like

D walk freely at the Parque Safari

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第2段第3句的I think it makes you understand what it’s like to be caged for animals可知当游客在笼子里参观动物的时候,他们能够体会到被关在笼子里的动物的感受。

3.Why weren’t the rescued animals sent free?

A Because they would be fed too much food.

B Because they weren’t able to feed themselves.

C Because they have been abused in the zoos.

D Because they have been bought by the park.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第3段第2句的they have lost the ability to hunt and survive可得知,这些被解救的动物失去了捕猎和生存的能力。

4.Who should be punished for the hurt animals?

A The authorities.

B The circuses.

C The visitors.

D The park.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第3段第1句的The zoo takes in lions, bears, monkeys and elephants from circuses where they have been abused可知马戏团虐待动物;另外从该段第4句的they developed in the circus that used to place them atop a hot metal sheet, burning their paws and making them “dance”也可以得知他们虐待动物,因此可以得知的马戏团应该受到惩罚。

5.What is the most popular animal at Parque Safari?

A A lion.

B A tiger.

C A zebra.

D A giraffe.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第4段第2句的The star of the show is a giraffe that likes to stop by and greet the visitors可知该动物园的最受欢迎的动物是长颈鹿。