
Don and Nancy Powell moved into their home about five years ago. Don admits he loves a bit of whimsy (怪念头), so one of the first things they did was buy a mailbox that looks just like their house. Little did he know that the empty mailbox would be too attractive for a doll couple to resist!

One spring day, Don went out to get the mail and found a pair of homemade dolls inside. There was also a puzzling note: “We’ve decided to live here,” it read. “Mary and Shelley.” Don went door-to-door to ask his neighbors, but no one knew anything about the mysterious dolls living in his mailbox. Don thought about throwing the dolls out, but something inside him told him not to. That turned out to be a good idea, because soon the dolls got even more comfortable! Artwork appeared on the walls along with throw rugs, blankets, and more furniture. Mary and Shelley even got themselves a dog. Although he was no closer to solving the mystery, Don started to get a big kick out of seeing what the dolls would add next.

One day, he turned to social media site Nextdoor to see if anyone local had ideas about the dolls’ owners. No one did, but people were so delighted by the story that Don became a regular poster. Every holiday, he’d share the dolls’ new costumes, decorations, gifts, and other details that appeared in his mailbox. “The response (on Nextdoor) was just incredible,” Don said. “People were saying, ‘This is so much fun to read, I was ready to get off of Nextdoor, but this makes me want to stay.’”

Don and Nancy are still no closer to figuring out who’s behind the mailbox trick, but they’re enjoying the whimsy. Nancy says it’s a “good positive thing” and Don couldn’t agree more. “I’m kind of enjoying the mystery,” he said. “I look forward to new things being added to the mailbox.”


1.What did Don think of the mysterious dolls at the beginning?

A It was a white lie.

B It was a nice change.

C It was a creative idea.

D It was a practical joke.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段前部分的“a puzzling note”“Don thought about throwing the dolls out”等可知,最开始的时候,唐感到很疑惑,想把洋娃娃丢出去,由此可推知他当时觉得这是一个恶作剧。故选D。

2.What does the underlined part “get a big kick out of” mean?

A Get lots of fun from.

B Become annoyed at.

C Feel terrified of.

D Be uninterested in.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句的“Although he was no closer to solving the mystery”虽然离解开谜团海很遥远可知,前后文表示转折,后文表达的应该是积极的方面,并结合最后一段的“they’re enjoying the whimsy”“I’m kind of enjoying the mystery”可推断,唐对于看到洋娃娃新添物件感到兴奋、开心。故选A。

3.How did online users respond to the dolls’ story?

A They thought poorly of it.

B They didn’t take it seriously.

C They showed great interest in it.

D They eagerly expected its broadcast.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段中的“people were so delighted by the story”“The response was just incredible”“so much fun”“makes me want to stay”等可知,网友们对这对洋娃娃的故事很感兴趣。故选C。

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A Don and Nancy will stop finding the owner.

B Don will soon become tired of the mystery.

C More dolls will be added to the mail box.

D Don will continue to update posts about the dolls.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段中Don所说的话“I look forward to new things being added to the mailbox.”可知,他很期待新的东西被放入邮箱,因此他可能会继续更新关于这两个洋娃娃的帖子。故选D。