
Zhu Yangzhu is the spaceflight (航天) engineer for the Shenzhou XVI mission. He has loved the blue sky and flying since he was a boy.

When he was a middle school student, Zhu often did physical exercises about flying. Because of his high grades, Zhu could entered the College of Aerospace Science and Engineering under the National University of Defense Technology in Changsha in the summer of 2005 and remained there for the following years. At the end of 2015, Zhu graduated from the university with a doctorate (博士学位) and took his first engineering post.

In the summer of 2018, Zhu heard about the selection (选拔) of China’s third-generation (代) astronauts. He decided to throw his hat in the ring. In September 2020, Zhu was finally chosen as one of the country’s third batch of 18 astronauts, including six other flight engineers.

However, for an engineer who had no air flight experience, the astronaut training tasks presented a real challenge. For example, astronauts had to stay up for three days and three nights in a closed room, during which they had to do many tests on a computer. That required large amounts of perseverance (毅力). He not only completed the hard training himself, but also played a role in relaxing the team and helping others in his team stay clear-headed by singing, organizing games and telling jokes.

Last year, all his persistence and hard work paid off when he was appointed to carry out the Shenzhou-16 mission.


1.How long did Zhu study in the National University of Defense Technology?

A For 4 years.

B For 7 years.

C For 10 years.

D For 12 years.

解析:选C。C 数字计算题。根据第二段第二句和第三句可知,朱杨柱2005年进入国防科技大学航天科学与工程学院学习,2015年博士毕业,即他在大学学习了10年。故选C。

2.What does the underlined part “throw his hat in the ring” mean?

A Buy a ring and put it in the hat.

B Continue to study flying at school.

C Find another easy job.

D Take part in the competition.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“Zhu heard about the selection of China’s third-generation astronauts.”以及后面的“In September 2020, Zhu was finally chosen as one of the country’s third batch of 18 astronauts”可知,朱杨柱得知中国第三批航天员的选拔信息时,他决定加入这场选拔赛中。故选D。

3.How are the astronaut training tasks?

A Interesting.

B Hard.

C Creative.

D Dangerous.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句的“helping others in his team stay clear-headed by singing, organizing games and telling jokes.”可知,朱杨柱不仅自己完成了艰苦的训练,还通过唱歌、组织比赛和讲笑话等来放松团队气氛,帮助同事保持头脑清醒。故选B。

4.What didn’t Zhu do to relax his teammates according to the passage?

A Told jokes.

B Cooked food.

C Organized games.

D Sang songs.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句的“helping others in his team stay clear-headed by singing, organizing games and telling jokes.”可知,朱杨柱不仅自己完成了艰苦的训练,还通过唱歌、组织比赛和讲笑话等来放松团队气氛,帮助同事保持头脑清醒。故选B。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A People.

B Art.

C Culture.

D Sports.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要向我们介绍了航天员朱杨柱的航天员成长路,属于人物介绍类,因此我们可以在“人物”版块读到该文。故选A